N4EX hits 40,000 chaser points

Congratulations, Rich, on a tremendous record. You are the first (by a long stretch) non-EU station to hit 40k chaser points. Your SOTA energy and skill is phenomenal.

In reply to NS7P:
Way to go Rich! Cograts, and may you enjoy good propagation on the way to 50K

73 Chuck

In reply to NS7P:

Well done Rich.

I always hear your signal, you have an excellent station :slight_smile:

73 de Mick M0MDA

In reply to M0MDA:
THE chaser that is ALWAYS there
Congrats, and thanks for all the chases!

In reply to NS7P:
Congrats Rich,
Many thanks for your strong QSO
You are 16 Chases for my 19 activations, pretty amazing considering I am typically 5watts, 3300+Km from VE6, Alberta

In reply to NS7P:
Congrats Rich!
It’s always a pleasure to hear your call when up on the summits!
73 de Mikel

Congrats Rich!
73, Peter ON4UP

In reply to NS7P:
Congratulations Rich, well done!

Roger MW0IDX

Congrats Rich!
It is always very nice to hear N4EX - 7500 - 7600 km between us! Every my activation when I tune my ATS3 and 2x10m “fishing rod” ant on 20, 17 and 15m I hope that iono allows to hear my QRP in NA, especially in NC… thanks for 22 SOTA contacts on my 46 activations, Rich.
VY 73 de Igor OM3CUG, G QRP club 5976 Home pages OM3CUG/QRP - Welcome!

Congratulations Rich on achieving 40,000 chaser points.

Jimmy M0HGY

Hi Rich

Congratulations on your recent achievement.

Thanks for the contact last week when I was on GW/MW-038. It ‘made my day’ as I was experimenting with an antenna mod for 15m. Looking forward to the next one.


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to NS7P:
Wow! At our present rate it will take over 24 years to reach that level. Never happen. You are in a class by yourself, Rich. Congratulations from Merle and Herm, KB1RJD and RJC.

In reply to NS7P:
Well Done Rich!
You were my first contact on my first summit several years ago and still can always count on you to be there.
Thanks for showing the way!

Congrats Rich on achieving 40k chaser points!
It is always very nice to copy your unique keying.
Special thanks for the “countless” (>>100 for sure) QSO on 24 MHz.

73 es gl, Heinz HB9BCB

In reply to NS7P:

Congrats Rich! Awesome accomplishment. Just for perspective, Rich chased 23,438 points in the LAST 12 MONTHS!!! That’s a lot of time and dedication!

73, Guy/n7un

In reply to N7UN:
Rich is an animal ! There should be a special SOTA designation e.g. “Shack Yetti”. Great accomplishment Rich.
Marc, W4MPS

In reply to W4MPS:

Ye 60K to go to 100K… :slight_smile:

In reply to NS7P:
Congrats Rich on the great chaser score. You’re always in there on all the pile-ups. Wish I could work all the European stations you guys on the East coast hear that just don’t always make it here into the central US. Keep up the good work.

Gary a. - W0MNA

I congratulate you to 40’000 chaser points. Tks for 174 QSO’s we had so far. It is always great to work you! Most of the time you are first in the log, when I start cq on 12 meter.
tks es 73 de HB9BIN, Juerg

Hello Rich,

Well done. I always hear you - a chaser pile up would not be the same without you. I think now it is time for you to have a quick sleep to keep you going for another 4 weeks 8)

Best wishes.
Night night from the UK
Mike G6TUH