N4EX hits 40,000 chaser points

In reply to NS7P:
Congrats Rich!From my shak i Always listening your call working activators
Also Great pleasure also have you on log when up on the summits!
73 de Marq, CT1BWW

In reply to NS7P:
Congratulations, Rich!! I know all is right with the world when I hear you in amongst us chasers.
Martha W0ERI

Congratulations Rich - tremendous job and thanks for finding me most times I’m active. Appreciate the stellar chasing.

Sadly, today’s activation of Palomar Mountain was a bust. Hike kicked my butt and rather than push on I decided discretion was the better part of valor.

I’ll be out again next weekend.


Gary K6YOA

In reply to K6YOA:

Thanks to all for the kind words. A special thanks to the activators who in many cases have endured miserable weather conditions during the winter season so that we chasers can have fun from the comfort of our homes.

Also, a tip of the hat to “El Sol” for sending generous portions of waste material in our direction. I don’t recall band conditions being this good since the late 1980’s.

73 Rich N4EX

In reply to W4MPS:

There should be a special SOTA designation e.g. “Shack Yetti”.

With the sort of hearing Rich has maybe “Shack Bat” would be more appropriate :o))

Never ceases to amaze me how well he hears a qrp signal


Barry GM4TOE