mw6gwr yota

I’ve just read in the April edition of RadCom that our very own activator and chaser Ricky MW6GWR has been selected as part of a team of 5 to represent the UK in Finland this July at the IARU Region 1 Youngsters on the Air gathering.

Congratulations Ricky. Enjoy.

Allan GW4VPX

In reply to GW4VPX:

I also notice that Ricky is now top of the “All G” s2s Roll of Honour!

Well done Ricky…

73 Mike

Hello Ricky, absolutely great!!!

Really very pleased for you. 8)+++

Mike G6TUH

In reply to 2E0YYY:
Hi Ricky
Well done always a pleasure to work you from home or from a fell top,
I was a swl at your age?

      73 Colin G4UXH

In reply to GW4VPX:
Very well done, Ricky, both for selection and for passing the 2000 mark to reach the top of the All-G S2S table.

Many thanks also for your contribution to my rather modest score.

Speak soon,

Well done Ricky,great achievements.Always a pleasure to work you.73 Don.G0RQL.

In reply to GW4VPX:

Well done Ricky. There must have been quite a bit of competition for those places.

I’m sure you’ll tell everyone about your SOTA experiences with portable antennas - the ups and the downs hihi.

Have a great time - you deserve it.

Karen 2E0XYL

In reply to GW4VPX:
Congratulations Ricky, you really deserve it after all the hard work you have put into your activations.
God bless and good luck,
from Tony and Sara, the NHAs

In reply to GW4VPX:
Well done Ricky nice to see all your hard work paying off enjoy.

Congratulations Ricky, thats a great achievement on both counts.


Victor GI4ONL

In reply to GW4VPX:
Congratulations Ricky, well done ! It is always great to work you from so many summits.

73 Andrew G4AFI

In reply to GW4VPX:

Well done Ricky, hope you have a great time in Finland.

Always good to work you from a summit.

73 de Mick M0MDA

In reply to GW4VPX:
Good on ya Ricky. I really hope you have a great time and enjoy the experience, a very worthy Youth ambassador indeed.

Steve MW0BBU.

In reply to GW4VPX:
Marvellous news! Always a pleasure to speak to Ricky.


In reply to GW4VPX:

Well done Ricky, a great achievement.

Thank-you for waiting on GW/NW-009 for the S2S to Illgill Head.



In reply to GW4VPX:


contact me!

I would discuss with you related to your coming YOTA visit in Finland.

73, Saku OH2NOS

email: (mantsuboy at

In reply to GW4VPX:
Fabulous news. Well done Ricky, a credit to SOTA and ham radio in general.
Steve 2E1HTG

In reply to GW4VPX:
Well done Ricky. Our Tom M6GGZ decided to decline the kind offer so a better informed young radio enthusiast would go [like you].
I look forward to meeting you at the TDARS Marconi weekend in Tywyn next month.



Congratulations Ricky 8)

Just read about your placing in YOTA in RadCom.

Well done 8) Pity I missed you, seconds away then op change!


In reply to G6TUH:

Hi Ricky well done!

Good to see a pic of you, I like to put faces to the voices :slight_smile:

Catch you again soon

73 de Paul G4MD