mw6gwr yota

Congratulations Ricky - good to see your pic in the article. Well done on representing the future of amateur radio in the UK!

73, Gerald G4OIG

Hi Ricky

Just arrived back home from activating Waun Fach GW/SW-002. Thank you for the contact but most importantly I’ve just read the report in RadCom of the YOTA event and delighted that you did so well and I really hope you enjoyed the experience.

Thanks to all the chasers and activators today although the bands were not in good shape.


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to G4MD:

Good to see a pic of you

Far too much hair to be a radio amateur - and where are the wrinkles?

Congratulations Ricky, you and the others involved are the future of our hobby


Barry GM4TOE

In reply to GM4TOE:

I haven’t seen the photo yet but very well done Ricky, I hope you had a cracking time :slight_smile:

Best 73,

Mark G0VOF