MTR second run

I see Steven is now taking orders for the second run of the MTR ( Mountain Topper Radio) with case. Follow his instructions on the Yahoo link on his webpage. Good luck!


In reply to VA6FUN:

Got mine!

QSL, UR #8 TNX order link
72, Steve

PS I ordered 18 minutes after Steve’s announcement.

In reply to G4ISJ:

I got mine too :slight_smile:

I’m number 13 in the queue this time, somewhat better than the 131st last time around!

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

I don’t think he can be processing them in order because I didn’t order until about 8am UTC and I’ve just had confirmation #1!

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

In reply to M0CGH:

I don’t think he can be processing them in order because I didn’t
order until about 8am UTC and I’ve just had confirmation #1!

Colin G8TMV

…Colin…you must be Steven’s favorite !!! Hi Hi!


In reply to VA6FUN:

Mine is #24, ordered at 07:34 this morning.



In reply to G0PEB:

Ha ha, great! It seems like most of the MTRs are coming to the UK :slight_smile:

Pleased that you have managed to secure an MTR Robert. All we need now is Ian MM0GYX to announce he’s ordered one, we could have an MTR SOTA party!

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

Hi Colin,

I’ve been checking the MTR user’s group first thing in the morning for the last 2 weeks, and to my surprise I saw the Golden E-mail sitting there this morning … :slight_smile:

I presume the components for 80,40, 30 and 20m bands are all supplied and it’s down to the owner to choose 2 bands ?



In reply to G0PEB:

I presume the components for 80,40, 30 and 20m bands are all supplied
and it’s down to the owner to choose 2 bands ?

Yes, that’s probably correct.
Steve has changed the design slightly this time around, the filter caps were through-hole components for the first batch of MTRs, this time the filters will use SMT caps. Steve will supply caps to cover all band options I’m sure.

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

All we need now
is Ian MM0GYX to announce he’s ordered one, we could have an MTR SOTA

What, you mean like this?

(don’t look too closely at the results)


In reply to G4ISJ:

Yes, I remember that from last year, the trouble was the fact that most of the activity was in the US, requiring operation at silly hours of the day!

I’m thinking a 40m EU event would be fun :slight_smile:


In reply to G0PEB:

I presume the components for 80,40, 30 and 20m bands are all supplied
and it’s down to the owner to choose 2 bands ?

There is also a mod for 60m (with a slightly hacky firmware update).

I’m probably going to do some work on that since I want 60m on mine and I’ve done software changes to my ATS-3B so have the experience. I’ve also got a Launchpad unit to re-program the microcontroller so I can try changes. I’m willing to do updates for people if they don’t want to mess with them themselves.

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

There is also a mod for 60m (with a slightly hacky firmware update).

The 60m mod is dead simple. I ended up rewriting the modified code that I was sent.
It’s a hack because I didn’t want to have to change yet another SMD resistor, so used the value for 40m which was already installed (just REM out or delete the the 40m settings).

I have the details of the filters that I made, but someone may come up with something better!

I’m still wondering what I’m going to use this new MTR for and which bands to build!
Decisions decisions?
I might end up leaving one in GI so there’s always one there when I visit.


In reply to G4ISJ:

Hi Pete, thanks for your warning.
I think I’ll soon join the MTR Net as well!
I can’t wait to have it and run Sota with that toy.

Cheerio 73
Ignacio EA2BD

In reply to M0CGH:

In reply to G4ISJ:

Yes, I remember that from last year, the trouble was the fact that
most of the activity was in the US, requiring operation at silly hours
of the day!

I’m thinking a 40m EU event would be fun :slight_smile:

I’d be up for that if you organise it!
Sitting up on a dark hill all night last time round wasn’t terribly productive.
Saying that, I’ve already worked at least 3 MTRs that I know of and several ATSs (of various ver)during normal SOTA ops.

In reply to G0PEB:

Mine is #24, ordered at 07:34 this morning.

Mine is confirmed as #22 ordered @ 07:16 so I think he must be processing them in order and Colin found a wormhole in the intraweb!

73 Marc G0AZS

In reply to G0AZS:

Received at 22:55

MTR SOLD OUT! no more orders please!
Once again, that didn’t take long. I really wish I could offer an infinate number of these, but then they would no longer be special, eh?

Thanks for all the interest and orders!!

72, Steve KD1JV

In reply to G4ISJ:

Well that didn’t take long! I wonder how many kits Steve made available this time. I can’t recall seeing a figure on the number of kits.

I’ll be able to sleep tonight now without having to constantly check for emails :slight_smile:


In reply to G4ISJ:
Hmm… 17 hours exactly from release to sell out. It’s amazing how popular his kits are. Good job I saw the mail at breakfast!

73 Marc G0AZS

In reply to M0CGH:

In reply to G4ISJ:

Well that didn’t take long! I wonder how many kits Steve made
available this time. I can’t recall seeing a figure on the number of

I haven’t seen a figure this time, but previously he’s done 150 in a batch.
We’ll have to wait and see what serial numbers we get :slight_smile: