Well Andy you kept that one quiet. Good one! (though maybe not so good on CW, a lot of dahs - hi!)
And wonder if any of us GM - SOTA types can use it?
Wx not looking too good for tomorrow. Will keep an eye if you will be out & about!
Well Andy you kept that one quiet. Good one! (though maybe not so good on CW, a lot of dahs - hi!)
And wonder if any of us GM - SOTA types can use it?
Wx not looking too good for tomorrow. Will keep an eye if you will be out & about!
prob meant to be M5OTA
No Karl,
Me thinks it’s a GM Club call with a two letter suffix. Think Ofcom are now issuing these two letter suffixes?
Yes, Jack is right, it is a 2 letter club callsign. So the basic call is M0TA. In Scotland that would be MM0TA (which is not good on the key) but as it is a club callsign, the club secondary letters can be used (S,C, X, N, T, P) which makes MS0TA. Hey that’s got an interesting look to it
Club calls using the other letters have been around since when I was licenced in 1990. The real change is Ofcom started reissuing old sequence callsigns a few months back, last October I think, when someone was issued a previously unallocated G5+2 callsign. 3 phone calls, 1 email and £20 later I have an apt club callsign.
My S0TA Club Scotland Andy?!
Wasn’t me
I can see some log confusion coming up between quickly written (scribbled) M5OTA and MS0TA in the future!
73 Ed…
Only to the deaf or dyslexic! There’s also GS0TA and G5OTA to consider. Yes, it’s a thing to look for especially as two letter calls are the exception in the UK.
I was looking forward to getting out and using it tomorrow but the WX is looking hard work. It should be dry and / or sunny but the wind speed is predicted as averaging 24mphand gusting to 40mph at sea level not 700m. I’d expect them to 20-30mph stronger at height. This just the periphery of Storm Freya which is blowing in over the next 48 hrs.
MS0TA/P on GM/WS-146
+/-45mins time on summit depends on wx (Posted by MM0FMF/P)
5‑7‑10‑14‑cw 5‑7‑14‑ssb
Great callsign - it jumps out of the screen at you.
Not as many dahs as MM0FMF or MM0ALC - the latter being mine after I got my ‘Class A’ license. I tended to doze off halfway through keying it. My old G8 callsign has more rhythm.
Now, I wonder if I could get a Western Sahara “S0” license with “TA” …
The best way to avoid such confusion is always writing the number zero as Ø.
The call is M0TA.
It only works because a) it’s a UK club callsign and b) the regional prefix for a club in Scotland is S. That means it becomes MS0TA in Scotland. It almost works in England (MX0TA) and doesn’t work well elsewhere (MP0TA, MNOTA, MC0TA etc.
When I checked with Ofcom, G0TA was still available which becomes GS0TA or GX0TA. G5OTA was avilable too. You have to pay £20 (cheap to drop extra dashes in my case) and apply manually as the automated system does not support these shorter calls.
WX looking not too bad for tomorrow, I have a load of unused vacation (because we didn’t go abroad this November as a family… because BREXIT) so I’m using up the days on some activations when the WX looks good.
Same here. I’ll be without a car tomorrow (Friday 15th) while the garage tries to prolong the life of my ancient Passat. So, with all this recent talk about bike activations I might try cycling to my local summit (Arnside Knott, G/LD-058) which is 486km from Beinn a’Chrulaiste, GM/WS-146. That should be fine for 5-cw with my 10W, maybe even for 7-cw if the skip distance is short enough around mid-day.
Or, I might be lazy and run QRO from the shack instead.
Stop being a big softy and get out and play
WX for where I will be tomorrow:
WX for your part of the world:
(Images © Met Office 2019)
Yeah, it will be fun to bike it to Arnside Knott for a change. I did a SOTA yesterday and a picturesque Wainwright today. Why stop now …
What about 14-cw…
Hi Guru, I would be happy to work you on 20m CW.
Yesterday (Wednesday) I used my shiny new green ‘Life’s a Breeze’ 5m pole with my 40/30/20 EFHW antenna arranged as a sloper so that most of the wire was 2 to 4m off the grass. Got a great mix of different EU countries on 30m and 60m CW in about 25 minutes …
30m: France, Italy, Spain (2), Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Czech Republic
60m**: Germany (2), Belgium (2), England (2)
**The KX2 ATU seems to load up any antenna on most bands.
That’s better than I normally get with my old 3m pole where the wire is usually only 0.5 to 2m off the ground. I look forward to trying the combination on 20m.
73, Andy
Sounds great. I may be able to chase on 40m but that’s uncertain and 20m will be a clearer option for me. This morning the internet service at my remote station QTH has been falling down and recovering every now and then, so I couldn’t chase much. The afternoon-evening are OK with no service shortages. I hope it will be like this tomorrow morning too.
Good luck and HPE TO CU tomorrow.
That’s fine. Are you also QRV on 30m? It’s my favourite band. I worked a EA2 and a EA7 on 30m at lunchtime yesterday.
Yes, I’ll be ready to chase you on 30m too.
That’s good. I know I can always get enough contacts on 30m to activate a summit. And for some reason, the propagation always seems good during the day.