Mountain Top Radio

Looks like Steve Webber’s (KD1JV) first batch of MTRs has sold out in the usual record time.
This rig reverts to the original Altoids form factor and is a dual bander, unlike the plug in band change options in the ATS 3 series rigs.
Hopefully my order went through before they were all gone.
I’ll be building mine as soon as it arrives and it will see immediate action on some hills.
If it’s as good as the ATS4 it will be winner.

I expect he will be doing another run at some time, so if anyone is interested they should keep their eye on the ATS group and Steve’s ordering page at Error 404 - Page Cannot Be Found

In reply to G4ISJ:

Thanks. That one had passed under the 'CWI radar. Looks good. Steve’s kits are always popular and get good reviews.



In reply to G3CWI:

In reply to G4ISJ:

Thanks. That one had passed under the 'CWI radar. Looks good. Steve’s
kits are always popular and get good reviews.



An email received from Steve at 1830 this evening, indicated that he had 100+ orders already since ordering opened less than 12 hours ago. The first batch is for 150 kits however there will be another run shortly.
If it’s as good as my ATS4 I’ll be happy :wink:

For info the spec is as follows:
The Mountain Topper
A very small, very efficient, two band rig
KD1JV Designs
Dual band, 20 M and 40 M typical, 30 M and 80 M possible.
MDS: ~0.2 uV
Small signal band width ~ 500 Hz
Audio output limited to ~ 800 mv p-p
Headphone output, 16 ohms min recommended.
Minimum current (no signal) ~35 ma
2.5 watts @ 9 volt supply typical
Spurs -50 dBc or better

In reply to G3CWI:

I missed this rig too :frowning:

I always fancied an ATS, but I have been put off by the price. The MTR price is much more agreeable.

I will have to keep an eye out for the next batch becoming available and try to order one.


In reply to M0CGH:

I’ve got an ATS-3B, it is indeed great :slight_smile:

Best way to stay informed about Steve’s rigs is to join the AT Sprint Yahoo group, that also tends to be where unbuilt kits and rigs are offered for sale.

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Yeah, just applied to join the group!



There are still a few MTR kits available it seems (well there were at 3am UK time),

US$100 + p&p

In reply to G8TMV:

There are still a few MTR kits available it seems (well there were at
3am UK time),

US$100 + p&p

Thanks Colin!

I joined the Yahoo group yesterday, but reading the messages, I got the impression that Steve had run out of kits.

Your post this morning spurred me on to look at the Yahoo postings, which stated kits were still up for grabs.

I have placed an order but I await confirmation :slight_smile:

It’s my birthday next month, so I hope to get the MTR as my present.

Thanks for posting about the MTR, Pete (G4ISJ) - I think it’s gonna be a superb rig for SOTA.

(with a slightly smaller Blackpool budget!)

In reply to G4ISJ:

Recieved confirmation of my MTR order this morning :slight_smile:

Kits are all sold out now, Steve’s message on the ATS group indicates another possible batch of kits ‘in the Fall’.

Thanks for the tip off Pete.


In reply to M0CGH:

In reply to G4ISJ:

Recieved confirmation of my MTR order this morning :slight_smile:

Kits are all sold out now, Steve’s message on the ATS group indicates
another possible batch of kits ‘in the Fall’.

Here’s a quick and dirty review of my MTR on it’s first field outing G/CE-001.
(playing with some trial video editing S/W!)

Worked a MTR - MTR with G0BPU!


In reply to G4ISJ:
Hi Pete;

Thanks for the video on the new MTR, glad to work you on the first outing.

I have been looking without success for a design description of the MTR, the receiver selectivity seems quite impressive, it does not appear to receive the whole band as in the Rockmite description by Tom M1EYP ???

Perhaps you can point me and I am sure other interested people in the right direction ??

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to G3XQE:
Hi Ken et al

If you want to get one of Steve KD1JV’s kits you need to subscribe to the Yahoo group here:

His kits are usually in high demand and sell out quickly. He only makes them available at certain times as he is often away hiking the Appalachian Trail (as I believe he might be now).

So keep checking the group and you might be lucky next time around.

BTW I have a PFR3 that I built (designed by Steve but sold by and nearly built an ATS-3B but I didn’t have time and regretfully sold the unbuilt kit :frowning:

I think that you will find there are a few users of his FB rigs for SOTA here.

73 Marc G0AZS

In reply to G0AZS:
Hi Marc;

I am interested in the design description but haven’t been able to locate any information so far.

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to G3XQE:
Hi Ken

Once you are signed up for the Yahoo group, you will find the manual for the MTR in the group files area here:


73 Marc G0AZS

In reply to G0AZS:
The link brought up the manual without having to register.

Many thanks

In reply to G3XQE:

My MTR is almost finished, just a little bit of metal work to go and soldering of the antenna and power connectors.

I hope to give my MTR an outing soon, but my second child is due at the end of June, so whether I’ll get the chance - who knows!

FB Pete on your MTR, I’m still totally amazed at what this little wonders can do!

MTR #131/150

In reply to G4ISJ:
Great video Pete and glad to be included in your log for the first outing of your MTR. What luck to work someone else with a MTR! Nice to see the top of G/CE-001 as I hope to activate this one myself on 22nd June. That fence is very handy.

I have downloaded the MTR manual. It looks to be a real neat rig, I enjoyed looking at the schematic. I wonder if you had any soldering issues building the MTR ?

Andrew, G4AFI

In reply to G4ISJ:

Just curious - is the design of the ATS-4 and MTR basically the same, with the MTR only having 2 bands and single 7-seg display ?

Andrew G4AFI

In reply to G3XQE:

I have been looking without success for a design description of the
MTR, the receiver selectivity seems quite impressive, it does not
appear to receive the whole band as in the Rockmite description by Tom
M1EYP ???

Ken, as you will probably now know, the MTR is a Superhet with a 4 crystal IF filter - It’s a whole different world to the direct conversion RockMite! One disadvantage is that you don’t get to hear the guy calling CQ on the other ‘channel’ at the same time :wink:

I had a brief play with my MTR into a dipole the other evening whilst setting the RX band pass filter trimmers - the radio sounds like a modern digital system - there seems to be no background noise, but boy those wanted signals come through nice and clear! I love my RockMites though - long live the RockMite!


In reply to M0CGH:
Hi Colin;
Had a look at the circuit diagram for the MT, it has a remarkably simple receiver and seems to manage without any RF or IF amplifier stages, there must be quite a bit of low noise gain in the active balanced mixers.

Thanks to all for satisfying my curiosity, I am afraid I have a nostalgic interest in simple receivers as a result of building my first amateur band receiver which was a three valve TRF from a design by F.G.Rayer G3OGR in Practical Wireless some 49 years ago when I was a virtually penniless schoolboy.

Look forward to helping you christen your MT in the near future Colin.

73 de Ken G3XQE