Mountain Goat No 2

On the 16th of May 2012 I climbed Place Fell G/LD-027 and activated it on 2m using my IC92D handheld, 6Watt to a recently made “Flower Pot” aerial in my rucksack. I had 4 QSO,s which qualified the summit. I had taken the first step in my Sota journey.

G/LD-027 in 2012

Since then I have achieved a Mountain Goat and a Mountain Goat on CW. Time past and around Christmas I realised that I was approaching 2000 Activator points. Over the winter I activated G/NP-001 and G/SB-001. That took me to 1997points. I decided to do something a bit special and achieve MG2 on the summit of my first Sota activation G/LD-027. Then a window of opportunity opened in the weather, instead of rain and wind it was blue sky and light breeze Sota weather, Lake District here we come!

Just as in 2012 I stayed in Beetham Cottage, the Fell and Rock Climbing hut at Hartsop. The ascent to Place Fell via Boredale Hause commences as a pleasant valley walk, a total distance of 4km and 500m ascent.

For this Activation I planned an extended time on the summit, operating on VHF and HF, FM and CW. Unfortunately, the weight of my rucksac was considerably more than in 2012. In addition to the same IC92D and Flowerpot my Sota equipment now included an FT857, 6m mast with link dipoles for 60, 40, 30, 20,17, 15 and 10m. Because of the extended activation I also carried 4, 5Ah Lipo, batteries. Poor old shoulders and thighs!

I departed the hut at 07:30 and enjoyed the walk along the valley and up the steepening gradient to the Hause. The path to the summit is very distinct, but a little steeper. My ascent time was just under 2 hours.

Once on the summit, adjacent to the trig point, I picked a south facing slope to the West of the trig point. It was a sunny Sunday and I anticipated lots of fellow walkers, 60m dipoles take up a lot of space. I set up the link dipole covering 60-20m and erected the mast. As I normally do, I commenced the Activation on 30m CW. The band was open but quiet. The RBN was quick at finding me and soon I had a stream of Chasers. After 7 minutes, at 10:31 I had QSO number 4 with ON4FI. We exchanged 569 reports. Having qualified the activation that was 4points plus 3 winter bonus, a total of 2004 activator points.

Now I could relax a bit. I continued on 30m until there were no more chasers and then heard Ian M0JIA/p calling from G/NP-005 on 2m. we exchanged 59 reports. Further CQ calls on 30m were answered but the band was relatively quiet so I changed the links for 40m. Unfortunately the Sun Gods did not approve and only 7 QSOs were made, but I had qualified on a second band. Next I changed the links for 20m. This was a good move and SV2OXS was a nice addition to the log.

Next a spell on 2m FM qualified the band together with several S2S QSO’s. After a quick lunch of my usual sardine sandwiches (which I nearly lost to a Jack Russel Terrier) I changed dipoles and set up for 17m. As I was about to go on air I had a visit from the National Park Warden, but I am pleased to say when I explained what I was doing he was satisfied and wished me well. My third Chaser on 17m was Phil G4OBK, soon followed by W4JKC and HZ1BS. The Sun Gods were happy again. After 3 ½ hours on the air and 4 discharged batteries it was time to pack up and descend.

73 QSO’s, 8, S2S, qualified the summit on 5 bands.

A grand total of 2004 points, 480 Activations and 17,674 QSOs

However, before you ask, I am not selling my mast or hanging up my boots, but I have no expectation of getting MG3, just take it a bit easier.

May I finally say a very humble, big thank you to all of the Chasers, the Back-Room Boys, Wizards on databases, the RBN and the Management Team all of whom have made this journey possible and very enjoyable. And of course, long suffering Mrs Stansfield.




Congratulations David. A second MG is worth much more than just the one I guess.

Place Fell is also where I qualified my MG. Every single one of my QSOs were/are CW as I’ve not used voice of any kind since I got my licence.

I’m not sure I’ll manage a 2nd goat. I’m still here but the transport and accommodation arrangements have been curtailed - no camper van now. So just that bit more planning/preparation now I guess??

And well done for lugging all that kit up to the top.


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Congratulations David!

Many congratulations David. I saw that you had a spot up for 30m and was headed to the shack to see whether I could work you, but unfortunately I was headed off to carry out a task and never got onto the radio until much later.

I’ve always enjoyed our CW QSOs, many of which have been on 30m. Your signal is usually well above my local noise level showing great attention to detail in respect of the performance of your kit.

It doesn’t seem that long ago since you achieved MG. I’m sure you will be heading further up the league table for many years to come and I look forward to many more contacts with you.

73, Gerald

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Congratulations David :goat::goat: :champagne::+1:

73 Allan

Congratulations David @G0EVV - what an achievement! Sorry I missed to get in your log, but it looks like you had plenty of chasers call in on all bands :grinning:

73, Ben

Congratulations on your achievement, David-something beyond my wildest dreams!
Onward & upward!
73 John G0MHF

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Congratulations David :goat: :goat: :clap: :clap:

Your 2,000 point activation sounds like a very civilised and pleasant day. I’m glad that you managed to enjoy your sardine sandwiches.

Well done,
Kevin, MW0KXN

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Many congratulations on achieving your second mountain goat! :clap::clap::clap:

Well done on goat #2.

One the nice things about SOTA is when you have an unexpected activator meeting on a summit. I was pleased to bump into you last April on Long Crag G/SB-008. I had a lovely light bag with just a pair of QCXs and battery but sadly I had to carry Dexter the Dog most of the way, he only has small legs as he’s a Maltipoo. I was tasked with looking after Dexter the Dog whilst his owner and my wife and daughter did a garden visit in Alnwick. I was wondering how to constrain him on the summit but I bumped into you. I got to use your FT857 on 30m and you got to keep Dexter happy (actually he wanted to sit on the 857 as it was warm).

Even better was meeting back again at the car parking where you were most generous to share your post activation pies and tea with me. The result of an unexpected meetup, dog watching and bonus pies made this into a wee gem of an activation and I’m very glad to have been part of your second goatdom.

Onwards and upwards to goat #3 now.


Congratulations David on your second MG.


Congratulations David!! A brilliant accomplishment. :clap: :ok_hand::blush:

Congratulations, sorry we couldn’t complete our s2s on 2m from Culter fell GM/SS-049, just a bit too far for my 5w from the FT818.
Although I could hear you 5/5, my 5w wasn’t making it back to you.


Well done on the 2nd goat !

I think we have only had one QSO, when I had gone to Ros Castle G/SB-009 with the intention of an HF activation, only to find myself minus microphone.

I was left trying to make QSO’s with my FT-65 on 2M FM, and you were one of those who made it possible against the odds by chasing. THANKS !


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Well done David :grinning:
Thanks for being such a great role model and inspiration for SOTA, and for sharing your knowledge and experience so freely. You have been a great help and look forward to many more S2S contacts.

Congratulations David on your second goat. I enjoyed your report and images. It’s nice that you had good weather so you could stay up the and work different bands and modes.

Congratulations on MG2 and on activating on multiple band. Nice to make MG activations special: I managed multiple bands for my MG1, but inclement weather limited MG2, and like you I’m not sure I’ll get to MG3.

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Hi All,
Manty thanks for all of your comments, all noted. It certainly felt like a special event for me, partly brought on by the superb WX, but also by being a return to my first Sota summit.
My only slight mistake was spending too long calling on 40m where propagation was limited. I should have gone onto 17m earlier, then 15m and possibly 10m. Ah well…

Incidentally on both G/SB-001 and G/LD-027 the 2m band was recently affected by wideband interference at about S2 that sounded like the noise created when a 2G phone is too close to a VHF radio. I suspect something military in origin.

Just need to send cash for another of GM4TOE’s pieces of glass!

Many thanks David G0EVV


Congratulations David on Mountain Goat 2. Thank you for all the contacts on the way.


Geoff GM4WHA