Monte Murolongo I/LZ-001

On Sunday together with my friend Guido I decided to activate a “serious” mountain, the Today nice activation of Monte Murolongo (2184 meters high) I/Lz-001 which is located in the Monti della Duchessa reserve about an hour and a half away Rome car.

The climb towards Murlongo is long and demanding, almost 1300 meters in altitude for around 6 hours of walking there and back. The views are incredible, starting from a narrow valley (the Fua valley) and then opening up towards large spaces where you can finally see the long wall where the top of Murolungo is located.

From 1800 meters there are no more trees just a landscape made of meadows and rock where the Duchess Lake is located and the climb towards the summit begins.

On the summit I mounted my classic station with Elecraft Kx3 and a longwire and I managed to make 20 QSOs with two Summit2Summits with @IK2LEY @SQ9MDF There was little time because the return to the base was also quite long.

Overall a splendid day of radio and mountains !

73 And IW0HK


Thanks for your report Andrea - good to see that your region also offers interesting SOTA challenges. It’s not always “Alpi” hi!

73, DIZ

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yes… all the “Central appennini” area it’s full of nice and serious SOTA summit that offer same changes like in the “Alpi”, like this one:

73 And IW0HK