Manuel EA2DT - all good (title updated)

Manuel can relax during his business trip. He has ample “breathing space”.

Slightly deflated to find myself at position 423 in that table after over 20 years of avid SOTA participation :roll_eyes:


My position in this list is >500. I think you can excel in this category only after full retirement. :wink:

73 Heinz


Above it says that Manuel is on a “business trip”…

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Hats off to all these chasers but especially to F4WBN. It is incredible how he is positioned in the ranking with just 3 years as a chaser.


Indeed, was missing EA2DT during the last DL20SOTA activation.
Hope he is fine…


Hello, there is no problem, Manu is on a work trip, far from Spain.
73 José


I’m at position 1,810 in the table which is even more demoralising…I might just give up now!

I’ve often wondered how the top chasers manage to commit so much time. I’ve come to the conclusion that they are either retired or work from home in a job where things are relaxed enough that they can put out a quick call on the radio as & when the spots pop up on SOTA Watch.

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The others would be DJ5AV, OE6GND, OK2PDT, G0RQL

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Funny that, as a frequent (but not fanatical) chaser I hadn’t missed Manuel… I’m wondering though, with all the fuss about “missing chasers”, whether any Yorkshireman would welcome him back on the air when it happens with a rendition of Ilkley Moor baht 'at:

Main chorus line - Yorkshire dialect version
“Wheear ‘ast tha bin sin’ ah saw thee, ah saw thee?”
English Translation:
“Where have you been since I saw you, I saw you?”

73 Phil


here is the last conversation with Manuel :slight_smile:

Hello Manuel

you are my number one top activation chaser,

good job !

73 de sp9wzs

and answer

Hi Robert,

sorry for the delay.

Thank you very much for your information.

I am currently in India for work.


EA2DT Manuel


Manuel appears in position 7 on my table, having chased me 269 times.

He is a key to my operation… come back soon!


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ScreenHunter 59

Hi Tom,

I guess the three intermediate licenced leaders in your top 25 chasers must be within VHF ground wave range of your local offices The Cloud and Gun.

Tell me how you access the filtered table “My top activation chasers”. Not sure how to get that detail. I would like to know how many times Lars and Manuel have chased me.

73 de Phil G4OBK


Tell me how you access the filtered table “My top activation chasers”.

Under “My Statistics”:

Manuel is by far my top chaser; he’s pretty much chasing me on every single activation, wether SSB or CW.

Thank you for the info Romain @SP6SUD. Tom @M1EYP - no need to reply.

Manuel @EA2DT is my No. 2 - Terry @G0VWP is my No.1. Terry makes a point of targetting me on my activations and this encourages me to use SSB, although he has recently taken to occcasionally using CW this year.

Lars @SA4BLM is No. 9 and it is notable that Roy @G4SSH (SK for some years) is still 3rd in my table, followed by Don @G0RQL in 4th. Now I will look at what other categories are in “My Statistics” which is new to me.

73 Phil @G4OBK


HI, @EA2DT first with great advantage:

My statistics:
12+1 with @SP9WZS
5 with @2E0BIA @SP6SUD
I am not a good chaser :rofl:


Quite a fun thread!

Here’s my top ten -

Roy G4SSH comes in at number 25.

And my number of activations of Whernside G/NP-004 hit 30 last weekend- I’m trying to set a bar that @G4TGJ can’t reach for his next challenge after he beats my number of activations of G/NP-028!

73, Colin

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Hey Phil - you are in the Top 10 :sweat_smile:

73 Armin

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As time goes on, so do people - or their preferences