Been trying it like that for weeks Richard, as others have said on this thread, "Ive spent hours on end trying, which I won’t get back!
all of this is right
I meaned the tracker_conf.json, as it could have an error there and this could produce the boot-loop-error
Okay Rick, I left everything as default in the json file apart from my Callsign and -7 along with the 4399125 LoRa frequency, nothing else was edited?
You don’t need to touch the frequency entries.
Post your file as you may have inadvertently made an error.
Im sorry to say I need Children’s instructions, I have no idea how to post the json file on the reflector. I already feel like an idiot, this project has been a nightmare for me
The frequency needs to be in Hertz. 439912500
it is Richard, you must trust me when I say, I have followed the instructions to the letter, please is there any one else out there with the same problem?
I am starting to think I am going crazy here!!!
It’s already in the config file so there is no need to change it.
in mine it is 434855000
The config file contains 3 frequencies. You select the UK frequency from the menu. Your photo shows the tracker is on the Eu frequency (which is the default) which is 433775000 so how is yours on 434855000 which is the Polish frequency?
I have no idea Richard, as I said I left all as default except those 2 changes.??
Have any Android users tried one of the BLE Terminal apps to use the BLE TNC incorporated with the Trackers? Here is one (there are others). I don’t have an Android phone to try.
What do you mean by this? Is it displayed somewhere or have you measured the frequency with a receiver?
I’m confused.
the top frequency I changed, which was the same as the middle frequency, I did not spot the bottom one until now?
But you’ve changed the config file in a way that I have never seen in any instructions.
You should not change the frequencies in the config file. You select the UK frequency from the menu. The only thing you should change in that file is your callsign.
That may be the problem I suppose. As Richard G4TGJ says, you should just leave all three as they are. Or, remove the EU and Polish frequencies leaving only the UK (this is what I have done with my T-Beam (same as yours) and it has worked fine.
If you can paste your .json contents into and put the link to the paste here in the reflector we can have a look and maybe we can spot something… You don’t need to sign up to pastebin… For what it’s worth, here’s my config file: - I am playing around with the beacon settings under the second beacon entry (for the car), so don’t copy it and use it as is.
Understood, Richard, I have just started from scratch and it has worked, I only edited my callsign and it is now up and running, and just pinged my own iGate.
Thanks for your patience with me Everyone ,
Don’t do this. Your tracker will say LoRa Freq [Eu] even though it is on the UK frequency.
With the three frequencies left in the config then if you ever go to mainland Europe you can easily switch to the correct frequency.