Looking for Scotland motorhome trip ideas

I have requested the use of a motorhome in August. My nephew (17) has become interested in hill walking in the past couple of years, my son (16) has also started coming with me on SOTA activations this year. The idea is for the three of us to head to Scotland somewhere and walk a few hills. My nephew is looking to start working in the outdoor sector and will soon start a temporary summer job at an outdoor centre.

I will be the sole motorhome pilot, so I don’t want to drive to the end of the earth. I’ll be picking the motorhome up in Carlisle. Intially I thought about a trip to an island but ferry costs and ferry reliability quickly ruled that out. I was attracted to Skye, but then it seems as though Skye is too busy during the summer.

My parents suggested staying at Morvich campsite but I looked at the prices and it works out very expensive, even as a member. There seems to be some nice hills around there though.

Can anyone give me any ideas? I’m new to the motorhome game, what is wild camping like? The motorhome is self sufficient with shower, toilet and a full size cooker. There is a small leisure battery fitted with solar/vehicle charging. Would wild camping be viable?

Last year’s trip to conquer Ben Nevis GM/WS-001

Choice of hills is not too important, but epic scenery would be appreciated, with some SOTA thrown in for me along the way.

Thanks in advance,



Go to Assynt… Ullapool to Cape Wrath. Loads of summits and amazing country.


Agree with Andy. Geologically this area is fascinating being the oldest area of the UK and Western Europe much of it around 3000 million years old. Most of the rest of Western Europe including the UK is much less than 1000 milliom such as the coal measures just over 300 million. Look carefully at the rocks where they are exposed. You’ll see nothing like them anywhere else, especially the Lewisian gneiss.


Thank you for these suggestions, the distance looks to be a shade over 300 miles out from where the motorhome home is stored, which is pretty similar to going to Skye.

My only worry is the proximity to the NC500, which I guess is pretty much unavoidable.

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You cannot avoid the NC500, it has permanently changed that part of the world. Just accept it especially as you have your own home with you!.

This hills are amazing. Many may only be 600-800m high but as you start most from sea level it’s enough. As Jim says the geology is special. Wander over Ingleborough and pick up a rock and put it in your bag. Wander over Quinag up in Assynt and pick up a rock and it will be 1 to 2 billion years older.


The suggestions from Andy and Jim are great, and those hills have a unique atmosphere, a sort of brooding spaciousness - but if you fancy a shorter drive there are three campsites in Glencoe (plus wild camping) and you don’t get more impressive scenery or more densely packed Marilyns anywhere on the mainland, with the Blackmount and Glen Etive for added variety. Then there is Kintail, which I am very fond of, with decent camping and a super selection of summits. Both suggestions include outstanding pubs! I would give Torridon similar billing though in that case the pub is more distant, its been forty years since I was last there but I can still close my eyes and both see and hear it.


Would agree with the suggestions above, I found Skye a bit spoilt, and rather busy. Harris is great - but it isn’t cheap getting a motorhome across the Minch.

Both Torridon and Assent are stunning if rather remote. It is a long time since I’ve been there but The Grampians might also be worth considering in August - possibly a bit drier.

I’m new to a camper and I stayed at sites which I agree would add significantly to the cost. If you have not seen it this website might help https://www.searchforsites.co.uk. I think quite a few people “wild” camp for a night or two and then choose a campsite to unload the deposits and do the laundry…They may need booking in advance in the holidays.

I stayed one night at Morvich on the way home after my trip and the site is great and surrounded by stunning hills, but I wasn’t up to them after my trip!

You should also consider Mull which is a cheaper ferry, less spoilt and still has some good hills. You may well save quite a lot on fuel as it is closer!


Personally I’d avoid the north west in a campervan in the high summer season. You really won’t be able to wild camp anywhere and you’d need to book campsites in advance. The roads will be busy too.

One option is to start in Dumfries & Galloway and head east into the Borders county. Plenty of lovely hills and glens. Midges in the west though.

Obviously, I’d have to recommend GM/ES, where you’d have a great welcome, with plenty of hills to climb from 1 to 10 points and much fewer beasties. You could tour up from Stirling, through Perth, Blairgowrie, Glenshee, Linn of Dee, Braemar and head down Deeside. Then head across towards Aviemore (book camp in advance) to climb Britain’s 2nd highest, GM/ES-001 Ben Macdui. You could detour off the southbound A9 towards Laggan or Tummel Bridge or Pitlochry. Plenty to do there before heading back down to Perth and Stirling.



I think there are areas to park up off grid, or a night or two. It tends to be where a newer section of road has been build, leaving the old section of road accessible. A9 Perth on Inverness has a few, Calvine, Dalwhinnie and Crubenmore spring to mind. Dalwhinnie to Laggan Road. Also often see motorhomes in the Creag Meagaidh GM/CS-002 car park which I think is for a donation. That’s a stunning walk, plus lots of nice hills around there and not too far north.

I also see motorhomes parked up along the north side of Loch Cluanie on A87.

73 Gavin


Paul, thank you for your information, it was partly your posts that put me off Skye! My parents went to Skye in the motorhome and loved it but they have the luxury of being able to go during quiet times. My Nephew is working June and July, having August off before starting college full time in September.

Mull - you needn’t sell me Mull, it’s one of my favourite places! I feel like I need to stay away from Mull as I’ve been so many times, I do have the urge to go back, but then there’s much more of Scotland to explore. I went to Buckie / Portsoy/ Peterhead/ Aberdeen when I was a kid, as my dad lived in that area when I was about 10, but that has been my only trip up in that area. I’d love to explore some different islands.

73, Colin


We stayed in a campsite run by Forestry and Land Scotland on the shores of Loch Lomond last year and it was great and cheap. There are several small sites around Loch Lomond and the Trossach where you can buy a permit to camp or stay with your mobile home for a small amount of money.


I’m blaming Paul @G4IPB! You tempted me with Mull and I gave in!

Campsite on Mull booked for mid August. :slight_smile:

Thanks all, for the suggestions.

73, Colin


I’m not going to Mull. I’m not going to Mull. I’m not going to Mull. I’m not going to Mull. I’m not going to Mull. I’m not going to Mull. I’m not going to Mull.

I’m going to Mull.

Don’t blame you. We go at least once a year!

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Can I book a complete for Ben More please? … even with painful cw?


Oh, I see now! LOL!

Maybe I could start a crowd fund? How much is a Complete worth? :dollar: :dollar:

Ben More is definitely on my target list, I summited in 2001, before SOTA was a thing.

I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:


I’ve been hiring myself out for completes for a while. It’s not all that lucrative. I’m about £500 down.

What? You didn’t work me on my MG activation? Everyone else did! I think I had 45 QSO’s that day.

Oh dear :frowning:
I’ve just submitted a RadCom article, so if they buy it, the funds might go towards Paul’s complete.

I’ve just stumbled upon an old photo album as I was in the shack, I found a photo of me on Ben More GM/SI-003 from over 20 years ago -


This is an outrage!!! Why hasn’t all you hair fallen out the way mine did from 20something to 40something man?

“Wild camping” as its called in motorhome circles is tolerated in Scotland in all but few areas, such as Loch Lomond where they have brought in special laws to control it. Technically, you can’t camp if you arrive by vehicle, but this rule isn’t enforced over 99% of Scotland. This still means you need to find water and somewhere to dump the liquid and not so liquid wastes. There are some Camping & Caravan Club sites in Scotland where if you are member you can pay to visit just to use their facilities. The app Park4Nite is worth using as it will show you places you can use G see screenshot. There is also Search4Sites which does a similar job.

As already mentioned if you want to use sites, especially in popular areas you will need to book in August. Downside is this ties you to a schedule.

The Forum motorhomefun.co.uk is worth searching. You can register for free which gives you 5 free posts but after that you need to pay £20. You’ll find me on there as DBK but there are a lot of other members who know Scotland very well and will help with suggestions if you ask. It’s generally a well behaved forum so don’t worry about keyboard warriors. :slight_smile:


Good post John. There are also Aires popping up all over the place. National Nature Reserve sites such as Creag Meagaidh which has a large car park, allow campers to overnight for a donation.

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