Logging software

In reply to G6TUH:
DXKeeper. I store my summit ID in a user-defined field. Since it uses an Access database, I’ve written an Excel macro to pull activations from the database into a spreadsheet and automagically do a save-as-CSV into the SOTAdata format.
It’s a hack, but if you’re using DXKeeper and you’re interested, email me off-list and I’ll send you a copy.
Kevin K4KPK

In reply to K4KPK:

Thread from 09 but still useful 8-). Thanks will email.

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G0LGS:

Sorry Stewart,

Just checked again and it appears to have gone, I did check before I put the post there but perhaps I was seeing a cached page since I used it only the other day. I’m sure it was in the same area as your Editor.

What I liked about it was that you could tell it how to handle things like Signal Reports in Notes and where you wanted the Summit Ref put in the ADIF.
I’m not sure how your Editor handles such things, I’ll have to investigate since I do use your Editor when I have a few entries to make and it is excellent for correcting errors in csv files:)


In reply to all:

Hi friends

Some of softwares you are looking for are here now (the french website has been updated):


Best 73

Alain F6ENO

In reply to G0IBE:
Case A - activating on shortwave, lot of QSOs:
Paper log on the summit.
FLE (“Fast log entry”) by DF3CB to type the data in a very efficient way, puts ADIF out.
ADIF file both import in Logger32 and convert into CSV using adif2txt by SP7DQR. Edit the CSV file in Excel to suit the SOTA database requirements, then import into the database.

Case B - activating on 2 m FM, only a couple of QSOs:
Paper log on the summit.
Typing the QSOs direct in Logger32 using the “add QSO” feature.
Typing the QSOs one by one into the SOTA database.

73 Ruda OK2QA

I understand Tom (who resurrected this thread) has now used my SOTA CSV Editor and discovered at least one logging error (an invalid callsign) while doing so.

Having really written my Program in first place for dealing with my Chaser CSV’s, I have now used it several times for Activator CSV’s too, it means I paper log on the summi, transcribe later and export as ADIF, upload the CSV to the database and import ADIF into my main log (VQLog).

Stewart G0LGS

Useful application Stewart, thanks. I managed to import the CSV of all my activator contacts into your program no problem (although it took a good long while with there being over 20,000 QSOs!).

However, when I then tried to export that as ADIF (.adi), it seemed the program was only chucking a CSV back out, which wasn’t recognised by Logger32 to import into there.

Any ideas?


In reply to M1EYP:

However, when I then tried to export that as ADIF (.adi), it seemed
the program was only chucking a CSV back out, which wasn’t recognised
by Logger32 to import into there.

Any ideas?


Tom you need to Export and then select .ADIF from the “save file” pull down option AND add manually add .adif as the file extension.
Stewart is aware of this and posted previously.
Something to do with Librarys…

In reply to G4ISJ:

I should have an updated version in the next day or two that will resolve the problem with windows not selecting the correct file extension (I have been testing the change for this) as well as a couple of other tweaks to improve the ADIF export feature.

Stewart G0LGS

As promised an updated version of my SOTA CSV Log Editor is now available that correctly uses the correct extension and format when exporting ADIF files, it also includes a few other tweaks since the last release.

As usual it is available from my web site at:


Stewart G0LGS

In reply to G0LGS:

Hi Stewart,

Just had a quick play, it is looking good:)

I was wondering if you could add ‘field mapping’ (probably the wrong term) for the ADIF file, that was something that the ‘Adventure Radio Site’ (as mentioned earlier, which sadly seems to have gone) could do. For instance I like to put the SOTA Reference in the ‘QTH’ field for SOTA contacts and I would also like to details like Name, RST and frequency used extracted from the ‘Notes’ column.

Probably a ‘Big Ask’ but if you don’t ask you don’t get:)



RST values are already extracted and stripped from the Notes and put into the correct ADIF fields, the SOTA Reference is added to the ADIF COMMENT field as well as a custom SOTARef field - you could open the ADIF in a text editor, then search and replace ’ and additional information from notes.

Stewart G0LGS

In reply to G0LGS:

Thanks Stewart,

I hadn’t spotted the RST. It would be great if you could tell it to look for anything in a certain format and put it where you want automatically. In the meantime I will use your ‘search & replace’ suggestion.

To be honest I haven’t done a lot with logging programs but I’ve reached the point where I need some electronic help to keep up with my logs. Your Editor certainly makes life easier.


In reply to M0XSD:


Perhaps you would like to try the latest update.

(See the ADIF Export section of the Help)

Stewart G0LGS

In reply to G0LGS:

Thanks Stewart,

Just updating, will try it out tomorrow.


In reply to G0LGS:

All I can say is ‘Excellent’. Does what it says on the tin (or in the pdf).

I did have problems on a couple of the fields but that may have been me getting spaces in the wrong places or something. That was using HRDlog which I think I have settled with.

This example worked: Name:Carolyn S57 QRG:7.107 QTH:Wernside QRA:IO84tf

Thanks very much I will use that format from now on & slowly change my existing SOTA Log to match.

Thanks very much,

In reply to M0XSD:


It should not matter what order you put the various things in the CSV notes, you should be able to have spaces between the ‘field’ names and values, but not within values - anything that is not recognised as part of any of these additional ADIF data fields will simply be left in ADIF comment.

I have found that my main Log program does not handle the frequency values very well when importing form ADIF (i.e. 144.350 gets changed to 144.349) - I have reported this via the authors web site and even sent an email to him, but have so far had no response.

Stewart G0LGS

Updated version with more ADIF features now available.


Stewart G0LGS

Updated version with first implementation of full Summit reference checking now available:


Stewart G0LGS

Hi Everybody,

I would like to share a modest and very simple Excel LogBook sheet which I am using.
You can download it at http://f5rqg.free.fr/LOG . Maybe it only works with last excel version ? I am not sure, but I hope it will works from your shack…
A shapshot is here : http://f5rqg.free.fr/LOG/snapshot_log.jpg

It’s possible to extract your “Cells selection” and export it into a CVS Sota Format just pushing the SOTA Logo. Cells which are not SOTA are ignored.
It generate 2 files, one for Activator QSO, and the other one for Chaser QSO. Each time you push the SOTA Logo, your selection is append to CSV files.

There is an automatically colored lines mechanism, depend on type of QSO, SOTA or not etc…
You can choice a type of “automatic Entrie” too (default, as previous entrie, contest) each time you rightClick first column at end of log (grey area)
Of course, you can sort each column, using the excel Filter.

A little configuration is possible through the sheet called “Config”.

I will continue to improve this Excel LogBook, but you can tune it like you want from your side.

< 72/73s, Chris, F5RQG