I have been saving csv-files from my activation QSOs in the SOTA database. I wrote a small Perl script to convert the csv-file to simple ADIF-file. This can then be signed with the appropriate QTH and LoTW key and then uploaded/send by email to LoTW.
Now I wrote a more general script called adifmerg, which can do this simple conversion and more. For example, write ADIF-file from QSOs that took place on January 28 2009
The file qsos.adi is then signed and the resulting qsos.tq8 file is uploaded to LoTW.
Normally one simple ADIF-file should be able to record all the details of the QSOs for anybody. It might be difficult to write a GUI program with full support to all the ADIF 2.2.2 records, but I do not know if that will be really necessary anyway.
When I restated into HAM Radio last year, I was surprised that it can
create SOTA-CSV files by a simple menue-entry.
73, Mario - DL4MFM
Luxlog was created by Norby LX1NO. I believe he will be launching a major update before the end of this year.Its a great (freeware) progamme. Pity I didn’t discover it before.
Untill then I used Winlog32, by Colin G0CUZ. ALso freeware and a good progamme written with much dedication and support from the author.
Now ADI2SOTA likes 5MHz (and 50MHz too…).
“Help” is in French and in English.
Soon a new V2 version in which you will be able to choose
the ADIF field (for LOGGER32 users for example)
Alain has uploaded V1.3 this morning
In reply to G6SFP:
I got Alain’s application to work once when I saved an ADIF file from Logger 32 where one days activity of 8 QSOs were all SOTA contacts. I filled the user_1 field with the SOTA refs (e.g. G/NP-001).
However as there is more to my amateur radio life than SOTA I then saved an ADIF file containing several days QSOs containing a mix of SOTA QSOs with the user_1 field completed for SOTA contacts but also with the user_1 field blank for the other QSOs, most of which were in last weekends CQWW 160m CW Contest.
When I tried to convert that ADIF file the QSOs that did not have a SOTA Ref in the user_1 field came out as “ERROR” and so the file would not convert to csv format as it stood. The ERROR QSOs were not easy to remove manually at that stage in the process.
I wondered if there was any way that the ADI2SOTA software could be made to filter out automatically the non SOTA QSOs that did not contain info in the user_1 field before the csv was created by the ADI2SOTA program? That would be great if it could be made to work.
Also when I prepare to save the file within ADI2SOTA the only option available in the Save as type box: is Ficgier ADIF (*adi) and I’m not sure what this means.
The ADI2SOTA program could be a real time saver for me if I could get it to adapt to my style of logkeeping!
The software works perfectly for me now – and filters all the non-SOTA QSOs out from the prepared ADIF file automatically – brilliant. This will save me a lot of time, especially after an activation when after filling the SOTA database, a few days later I then enter into my Logger 32 shack logbook. Your software eliminates this duplication of the work. All I need do now is to enter into my Logger 32 software, use your conversion, send off the converted csv file to the SOTA Database and hey presto – job is a good one and done.
Thank you very much Alain for a very useful piece of software. I recommend it to users of Logger32 and other software which allows the saving of ADIF file extracts from the log. It’s a winner.
Looks good, works quite well with the ADIF from my VQLOG too (without having to define any new fields).
It does however seem to miss the last QSO in my ADIF file, even though it appears to have all the correct information.
Not sure yet that I will use it as I tend to do my SOTA database logging quite frequently, but only export ADIF from my main log (to upload to EQSL) every month or two.
A couple of observations / suggestions that might be more useful for others too:
The program does not seem to remember that I am English so I need to click the appropriate flag each time I run it.
My ADIF Log has the operator callsign in for each QSO (i.e ‘OPERATOR:5G0LGS’ or ‘OPERATOR:5G0LGS/P’ etc) so perhaps if present it could use this information in the CSV file.
It does however seem to miss the last QSO in my ADIF file, even though
it appears to have all the correct information.
Right, I’ll try to fix it.
The program does not seem to remember that I am English so I need to
click the appropriate flag each time I run it.
Yes, It was not a problem for me because it often starts in french langage and… I’m french… hi!
So I will write this info in the .ini file, and you’ll just have to click on the Union Jack first time.
My ADIF Log has the operator callsign in for each QSO (i.e
perhaps if present it could use this information in the CSV file.
Yes, it should be possible to use the ADIF field but it seems that everybody does’nt initiate the logging SW with their call (either G0xxx or G0xxx/P); some logging SW does not allow to change operator. So I think it will be better to leave le program asking the call just before exporting CSV file.
Now you may choose an ADIF field in a list or create a new ADIF field
to you logging SW
73 Alain F6ENO
Sorry to drag up an old post.
Just visited the site to download ADI2SOTA and found it is flagged by the Fraud Protection Opera uses as a fraudulent site. “This page has been reported because its contents may be harmful. Opera Software strongly discourages visiting this page.” It seems to have got on the Yandex database that Opera uses for some reason.
I ignored the warning and downloaded the file anyway.
What can I use to do it the other way round, ie, take a CSV file of a SOTA activation (downloaded from log already in SOTA Database), convert it to ADIF, import into Logger32?