When i activate a summit i will log the chasers callsign, do they have to log a chaser report for it to count?
Welcome to the Reflector! To answer your question, no chasers do not have to enter their logs for you to receive the summit points.
73 de VE6JTW, Jesse
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…and conversely, the chasers don’t need any confirmation from the activator to get their points… (it’s always exciting to see who chased me - who I didn’t have in the log. )
73 Armin
Hi Callum,
There’s even a feature “show who called me” in the database after you have entered your activator contacts, which is useful if you were unsure of a callsign that you logged (perhaps the paper got wet or you simply can’t read what you wrote down). You can then go back, download, correct and re-upload your log if necessary.
73 Ed.
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