When I got up yesterday and thought about the date (29 Feb) if I want to activate on all days of the year I better do something because it will be a 4 year wait before I can get this Day of the Year.
So a little trip out to my local SOTA G/LD-045 and a few local VHF QSOs.
This got me thinking who has activated on all Days of the Year ?
I ran a few downloads from the wonderful SOTA database here are some selected results.
Interestingly my least active date of the calendar is August 16th, with just 16 activator QSOs recorded. And the most active is in the same month - August 2nd with 591 activator QSOs made over the years!
My least active clock hours for activating are - unsurprisingly - 01, 02 and 03, with the most active hours - 19 and 20 - surely being boosted by my combining SOTA activations with VHF contest evenings.
Anyway, this will all be out of date soon enough…
Oo-er, for some of us SOTA on Christmas Day and / or Boxing Day would be a divorcable offence. Then there’s the other half’s birthday - but I cracked that one in my first year of SOTA bagging Butser Hill G/SE-004 on my way home from a birthday weekend away. The weather was cold, wet and windy and my XYL sat in the car reading a book. Both of us were happy.
I’m sure it hasn’t gone unnoticed that a lot of my activating takes place late at night and/or very early morning. This year will see my 30th wedding anniversary…
Well I’ve got 20 years on you, but it still would not be acceptable… and indeed why should it be? I value the time with the family… all 4 generations of them. As they say, the hills will still be there…
Unless planned way in advance I have the early morning activations, and try to be home relatively early as to not impede on the wife’s plans for the day. So far it works fairly well.