In Wales there was already an event that just happened to coincide: Welsh Hog-Roast
In England the RSGB 2m Backpackers may have some activators on SOTA summits on the 9th 144 MHz Backpackers - thanks Tony.
Germany - we have DL/DM supporting as well: DM/BW Group
Ireland - EI group getting together in the Wicklow / Dublin mountains - Thanks Colm.
Italy - Italian SOTA regional managers will be active on different summits - thanks Andrea.
Croatia - From the 9A1WFF hamfest on 9A/ZH-011 on June 9th. Plus some other SOTA activations in 9A on the same day - thanks Boris.
Spain - thanks to Alberto for the heads up that ANOTHER SOTA event will be happening in Spain on the 8th. The VHF-SOTA-FM event - here’s hoping for some Sporadic E or good tropo on the VHF bands!
I hope to make the 3rd one on Sunday afternoon (7th. July, 11 - 15 utc) with 5W CW/SSB (FT817) and 3-el Yagi/3.5m pole from a modest G/LD summit near me [re-activation so no SOTA points]. Managing two strong dogs and my Yagi shoulder bag on the way up might be a hassle. Wx forecast is for rain showers so will need tarp for my non-waterproof radio gear and me. Hope to get some non-LoS contacts via tropospheric scattering like I did last time.
Would be interested to know if anyone else is planning to do the contest and SOTA.