HB9SOTA Mountain Activation Day 2024

HB9SOTA Bergaktivierungstag

Liebe SOTA-Gemeinschaft und Funkfreunde,

Wir freuen uns, den nächsten Bergaktivierungstag von HB9SOTA anzukündigen! Am Wochenende des 8. und 9. Juni werden unsere Schweizer Aktivatoren erneut die Herausforderung annehmen, in allen Kantonen mindestens einen Berg zu aktivieren.

Diese Veranstaltung steht allen weltweiten SOTA-Mitgliedern und Amateurfunkern offen, einschließlich Aktivatoren und Jägern. Es ist eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, unsere Leidenschaft für das Bergfunkhobby zu teilen und die atemberaubende Landschaft der Schweiz zu genießen.

Wir freuen uns auf Eure Teilnahme und viele erfolgreiche Aktivierungen!

HB9SOTA Mountain Activation Day

Dear SOTA Community and Radio Friends,

We are excited to announce the next Mountain Activation Day by HB9SOTA! On the weekend of June 8th and 9th, our Swiss activators will once again take on the challenge of activating at least one mountain in each canton.

This event is open to all worldwide SOTA members and amateur radio operators, including activators and chasers. It is a wonderful opportunity to share our passion for the mountain radio hobby and to enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of Switzerland.

We look forward to your participation and many successful activations!

Best regards,

HB9HBV Jean-Pierre Theiler
HB9SOTA Diplom- u. Callsign- Manager


FB Jean-Pierre

This is the same weekend as the Welsh Hog Roast event on 08/06/24 organised by @GW4BML, plenty of us activating HF that same HB9 activation weekend from GW…

73 Phil SV9/G4OBK/P


Hi Phil,

We are very happy to hear that! We are looking forward to many Summit to Summit contacts, especially on the 10-meter band. It will surely be an exciting weekend for all of us.

73, Jean-Pierre HB9HBV


Hello Jean-Pierre,

I got feedback from SOTA-BW members that they intend to support the HB9SOTA Mountain Activation Day with activations in the DM/DL (and other) associations. So, count us in. We have marked the weekend in our calendar :blush:

@F5HTR: The same is true for the French Mountain Activation Day, of course!

Looking forward to many S2S-QSOs!
73, Roman


Hello Roman,

That makes me very happy! Now let’s hope for a summery weekend with lots of S2S connections.

73, Jean-Pierre