How many SOTA summits can you see from your home?

I can’t match some of the fantastic photos above but this is the view of G/NP-028 Rombalds Moor from my bedroom window. Its the first thing I see when I open my curtains on a morning. Also I sit in my dining room to eat and have the same view. The view is just as nice when it has a covering of snow. The summit as about 14km line of sight.

73 Chris M0RSF


…you bet!

This is it in the background with part of our haskap orchard in the foreground. We got snow in late May one year after everything had leafed out. The haskap was flowering but it can handle a freeze to -7C and still bore fruit. Right now we are awash in wildlife - birds, mammals, insects - every one of them happy that life has returned to the north! The plants are in full bloom right now and the orchard is abuzz in insects busy pollinating.

It isn’t much, but it’s MY mountain! :wink:


No one !!! ;-( And with the Drone up 100m … STILL NO ONE lol !!! JN09KV :slight_smile:


None - but if I close my eyes and use my mind’s eye I can see hundreds!


Erm… None, but that is mostly due to living off the main valley and up the side of a small tributary.

Bit lucky in that I am spoilt a bit for choice

I must admit that I have not yet done Mickle Fell - It is in a military area and although I understand access is possibIe I have not yet been organised! My local favourite is Wild Boar Fell, it is only a 40 min drive and then

it feels like a proper fell ! I’m sue some of you could pop up in half an hour but it takes me a bit longer. The good bit about discovering SOTA quite recently is that there are still a lot of new hills for me to do. Hoping (WX dependent) to try the RSGB backpackers contest from Cross Fell, but still looking for my day pass from the XYL for that one! IMG_0536|690x388.

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Interesting Zoran:

So - from my Shack window - 26. But I think from the top of the top aerial on the mast?




It’s always four, Joe, regardless of whether I use my computer or not :wink:

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Peter, thanks for the funny video clip of El Pistolero’s rapping. That, however, makes me think if anybody ever suggested SOTA by Bike (SOTA-BB, for short) variant of the hobby? It must be popular in the home country of the great Eddy Merckx…

Hi Zoran,

You know we have 2 champions with the name Eddy Merckx in Belgium?

73, Peter

Nice summit and nice orchard, Craig. Never heard of haskap berries, but after googling it a bit, I found it an interesting pastime option for retirement years. Long enjoy in your view, OM.

I don’t know why, Jack, but I’m imaging you squating on top of your mast and enjoying the view rich in SOTA peaks :smiley:.

Hi Peter.
I did not know that. Although both sports are frequent on Eurosport, I strongly prefer cycling…
Zoran / E70AA

At least 25… 73, fred KT5X (aka WS0TA)

I live close to Mont St-Hilaire VE2/ML-003 and i can see part of if from the back yard between the higher 2 story houses and tall trees but if i climb on the rooftop or the tower i get a clear view:

Reverse view from the summit:

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Well Zoran I think that might be a bit painful in the
‘derriere’ :slightly_smiling_face:

No the sunset view through the tower is from inside the shack looking out the window. The shack’s located in the loft (upper part of the house). And Beinn Ime (as in the previous shot) is 80K as the radio signal flies!

Here’s another daytime shot. Glasgow is behind the autumnal tree some 25k away.!



PS: The QTH was chosen for the hobby (almost 40 years ago). Was interested in Auroral 2M contacts and needed a good outlook to the north. Now it has come in handy for SOTA - hi!

Jack, when you mentioned Glasgow, I was thinking: for God’s sake, what do I know about that city. And could not actually think of anything but the beautiful Ken Loach’s movie The Angel’s Share. I mean, the story is happening in Glasgow. And then I found photo of a movie scene that, I guess, you’ll love. Cheers!

When the weather permits i can see from my kitchen window these two summits…Serra da Freita (1085m) and Monte de Vale de Cambra (503m).
Nice inspiration to go out SOTA! :wink:


Here in Western North Carolina we have quite a few SOTA summits. Unfortunately I sit in a bowl and cannot see one. If I hike out my Back door and go up 333m or 1000 ft I can see 10.

from my backyard there is about 7 in the Southern portion of the Tahoe bowl I can see

I’m guessing at least 53 in my own county. Many more, north and south. Can I name them? NO.
there are at least four ridge lines left from the Glaciers and in 15 years, I haven’t been able to name them all, nor identify the ridge lines. The blue haze of the evergreen pines serves to obscure the definition.