Horseshoe Pass pair. GW/NW-042 GW/NW-043

Cracking day!
Thanks to chasers!
GW/NW-043 Cyrn y Brain
GW/NW-042 Moel y Gamlin
2m fm (FT-270, Slim G)
40m SSB, 2m SSB (KX2, EFHW)


Oh wow, that looks like a gorgeous day out!

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Really great! Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

73, Johannes

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Wonderful photos Gerald but those hands look a bit cold! Rather surprised there are no signs of people on skis near the Ponderosa but perhaps it was too cold or the snow not deep enough there. Years ago we stopped on the way to Snowdonia for New Year and it was like a marvellous alpine valley with people ski-ing and kids with sledges but then the snow was fairly deep as I discovered to my cost as I started up the wrong track to Gamelin and had to wade across to the right one - doh! :grin:
73 Viki


Hi Viki, there were 4 people on skis when I arrived. Skinning up and skiing down.

Not so many people available on a Friday.

I suffered with the same issue of deep snow on Moel y Gamlin!



I heard someone activating there yesterday I think it was, the Ponderosa is currently shut which is a shame for anybody who wants to activate the pair and have one of the ponderosa’s fry ups afterwards!

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