HF SOTA at 5100m asl

LU9MZO/M a few days ago went to LUM/FL-028 (Lomas Amarillas) at 5110m asl. He could also activate on 2m and 40m band!
Here is some pictures

This was the first time someone could manage to activate at 5100+m on HF around here.

We know about the highest activation on VHF at Aconcagua, 6969m by SQ9FVE but how about HF?



Hi Alejandro,

It leaves me speechless … :upside_down_face:
Congratulations to Diego Gustavo :+1: :wink:

I think he was (without radio) closed to the summit Aconcagua, LUM/PH-001

CUMBRE CERRO ACONCAGUA 6952msnm - 22/01/18 Mza Argentina

Photo from LU9MZO QRZ site

Very nice climbing !

73, Éric


Congratulations for this very challenging activation. We all would have liked him to try higher bands, i.e. 20, 17, 15m, as current propagation conditions may well have allowed for great DX QSOs.
Dear colleagues in LU, keep this in mind, please, for future activations.
How much time did he need to complete the ascent? and how much the descent? was it a solo climb or a group? I can see two tents in the Salto de Agua camp site picture.
Is there any picture of the operator at the summit?
What was the rig and antenna setup he used?
I think we all would love seeing more pics in case they are available to be shared here.
Thank you.



Amazing pictures! Congratulations reaching the peak.
Try upper bands and you will be amazed…



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It was a solo activation, the other tents around are another people, most of them training for Aconcagua 2022.
Lomas Amarillas its a 3 day journey but Diego did it on the same day, to do it he slept on his car to start a early climbing. Started at 4am and reached the summit about 10 hours after.

The hf was possible using a home made go pack on a backpack that we called “mochisota”. This mochisota its a frame to bring support for a uBitx, a Li-Ion battery and a 6m pole.
All connected and ready to deploy in about a few minutes using gloves.

The antenna is a dipole, in this activation Diego couldnt do a full deployment but he managed to work some hams on 40m with the dipole arms mostly on the rocks.

I will ask to Diego about upload the videos to YouTube

73! LU1MAW


That Aconcagua summit was a few years ago when Diego was waiting for his ham licence.

He is training for a 2022 Aconcagua try. He want to activate it on hf


Also speachless …
What a phantastic event. I think only a few activators could do this and I’m not one of them.

73, Ludwig

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Thank you so much for all detailed info and the picture of the antenna at the summit.
Under such tight schedule, it’s easy to understand he couldn’t have much time to spend on other bands. I think Diego did an awsome work! My congratulations again and big respect.



No me canso de decirlo, Diegazo no tiene techo! El amor, pasión y por sobre todo el respeto que le tiene a las montañas, lo va a lograr. La Pachamama lo quiere!


Neither do I
In my last activation I walked 12km only to a summit of 550m, 10 times lower !!! LOL
And when I got home my whole body ached…


There is a way to check if this HF activation was the higher? I know this is not a primary objective of the SOTA program but it can convey enthusiasm to others

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Congratulations to Diego for this great effort. Well done. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face: :beers: Thanks to you Alejandro for bringing this to our notice. :+1:

Cheers Geoff vk3sq

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Yes it is so far the highest summit activated on HF for SOTA. I downloaded the summits.csv and had a look,

SummitCode AssociationName RegionName SummitName AltM AltFt GridRef1 GridRef2 Longitude Latitude Points BonusPoints ValidFrom ValidTo ActivationCount ActivationDate ActivationCall
LUM/PH-001 Argentina - Mendoza Cordillera Principal Las Heras Aconcagua 6960 22835 -70.0117 -32.6533 -70.01170 -32.65330 10 3 01/02/2019 31/12/2099 1 16/02/2019 LU/SQ9FVE
LUM/FT-001 Argentina - Mendoza Cordillera Frontal Tupungato Plata 5949 19517 -69.4550 -33.0158 -69.45500 -33.01580 10 3 01/02/2019 31/12/2099 2 16/09/2021 LU2HDM
LUM/FL-004 Argentina - Mendoza Cordillera Frontal Lujan Vallecitos 5454 17893 -69.4381 -32.9825 -69.43810 -32.98250 10 3 01/02/2019 31/12/2099 1 14/01/2020 LU9MZO
LUM/FL-009 Argentina - Mendoza Cordillera Frontal Lujan Rincon 5373 17627 -69.4301 -32.9691 -69.43010 -32.96910 10 3 01/02/2019 31/12/2099 1 25/02/2020 LU5MFL
LUM/FL-028 Argentina - Mendoza Cordillera Frontal Lujan Lomas Amarillas 5116 16784 -69.4183 -32.9933 -69.41830 -32.99330 10 3 01/02/2019 31/12/2099 2 07/11/2021 LU9MZO

All other summits were activated on 2m FM

Congratulations to such milestones !
73 Joe


Thanks! You checked LUM only or this is worldwide?

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I have sorted the list by altitude of all SOTA summits. So worldwide :+1:


Which is -from a technical point of view- the greater achievement.
HF is not affected by the wx, but VHF is. Inversion layers usually form at heights of 1 - 4 km. So it may well be that you’re on top of the mountain and do not receive any answer from the valley, just because you’re above an inversion layer. So activating on VHF at 5000 m is a gamble, while activating on HF is a sure shot.

Greatest achievement is to reach the summit, though. I’m deeply impressed of these activators.


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Except for the Aconcagua activation, the rest of the activations were done by locals. They know which summits have a “window” to be able to operate in VHF and which ones do not.
Without detracting from the VHF activations (Diego also activated VHF) I think that installing a dipole and carrying an HF + battery up to 5000 meters above sea level is very different.


Chapeau bas! to all those who activate above 3500 m asl.
Activating above 4000 m asl is really a challenge for the body and is also a challenge due to the weather conditions. You can be healthy and summit above 4000 asl dozens of times, but your body can say NO to that one activation. Regardless of what physical condition you are in. Altitude sickness comes unexpectedly, we can get used to it and train, but we are never 100% able to get rid of it. Just being at high altitude, even if the ascent is not technically difficult, is a huge challenge. Expecting people who climb high mountains to activate on one band or another, in one modulation or another - is frivolous. Above 5,500 m asl marked hypoxemia, hypocapnia, and alkalosis are characteristic of extreme altitudes. Progressive deterioration of physiologic function eventually outstrips acclimatization.
Huge respect for those who have made it, and I know that it is the result of their hard work, luck and detailed plan.

Chapeau bas! again

73! Jacek SQ9MDN


Congrats! and congrats again!
Gerald F6HBI

Outstanding! Thank you for the photos and information. HF at that altitude is very impressive.