Unfortunately today i was not able to stay longer on the summit. Very strong stormy winds, could not set up the mast and used therefore with lots of problems… the AX1. It was bittercold although sunny with blue skies.

Next time it will be better again, I hope…

73 de Bruno HB9CBR


Wow! Amazing summit photo.

TNX fer chase me today!


Obviously it was not your usual type of activation Bruno, but very understandable under the circumstances. To make 7 contacts on 2 bands is admirable. I am sure many would have made the minimum 4 and then packed up, or not even bothered at all. :grinning:

Bravo Bruno!!! Good SOTA. The AX1 is a good option with wind.
73 José

Hi Bruno
I’m glad you got back down okay :+1: :innocent: . I was at the same time in a pleasant forest (HB/SZ-040) with positive temperatures and almost no wind :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, tried to make a s2s, but could not hear you on 20m neither on 17m. No wonder the whole Central Alps are in between :rofl:.
Su 73 Arthur