GW/NW-011, GW/NW-018 and GW/NW-012

After watching the forecast meticulously all week and seeing it not shift that greatly… I was excited for today, and wow, what a day it was!

I started off for my first summit Arenig Fawr, GW/NW-011 at around 0630ish under the torchlight, with the torch coming off at 0710 when I could see where I was going. I soon reached the summit where I was met with TWO other people, both fairly local and both photographers. The company was quite welcome though as I set up in the summit shelter, chatting about SOTA and as I was just about to start, there was the sunrise. Not wanting to be a big bother for photos etc, I only took out my band hopper so that 20m was available, so it was a steady 5 QSOs then onto Moel Llyfnant (GW/NW-018).

It was a relatively not so technical walking over the next part of the loop, despite Arenig Fawr being known for its rough tussocks. I soon reached Moel Llyfnant, and opted for some local rocks where me and the dog was sheltered. With the shelter and the sun coming out, it was rather pleasant. So I managed 27 QSOs on 20 and 40m with 5 S2S, four of which were Portugal! Thanks all.

Then it was a swift descent and a drive back home, oh wait, there’s another mountain that I could do on the journey back! On the Bala to Llangynog road, the bwlch offers a small parking area that leads to a long path to Cadair Berwyn (GW/NW-012). Me and the dog pulled up and we were soon off, the long rolling ridge seemed to last forever but we eventually got the tactifully taking a contour line around Moel Sych.

However, one problem, no 4G! How will I self spot now? I have not yet figured out how to do SMS spotting but it is now on my to-do, as luckily I called M0JXA who saved a failed activation by added a spot for me and we were back in business, managing 19 QSOs.

All in all a great day, and it looked like others in GW land had a good day out in the hills. I really need to ask Santa for a 2m setup that is lighter weight!

Thanks to all the chasers as always, 73s for now!

Jared 2E0JFJ


Thanks for the nice report and photos, Jared. Certainly was a lovely day to be out on the hills playing radio.

73, Matthew M0JSB

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Well done. Especially the very early start - well at least for me. Great photos of the dawn sun rising.


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