Congratulations to Gavin GM0GAV who completed his ascent of 282 Munros in Scotland (mountains over 3000ft or 914m)
An excellent achievement
Well done Gavin.
Congratulations to Gavin GM0GAV who completed his ascent of 282 Munros in Scotland (mountains over 3000ft or 914m)
An excellent achievement
Well done Gavin.
Yes, an excellent achievement. Congratulations Gavin.
Thanks for the 145 MHz QSO today.
73, Robin. GM7PKT.
Well done Gavin.
The worst thing to start now are The Corbetts!
Congratulations Gavin! A major milestone! Well done.
Congratulations Gavin on climbing up all the Scottish Munros, that’s a great achievement. I suggest your next challenge should be to activate all Scottish SOTA summits for SOTA.
Jimmy M0HGY
Congratulations @GM0GAV. One heck of an achievement and commitment with all the Scottish weather can throw at you.
I hope to give you the opportunity to complete Beinn Na Lap soon!
Well done Gavin. … what a super achievement!
Thanks all, not very nice weather but was getting complex to find a date where family & friends could come along. Had a nice tea at Corrour Station afterwards. Well worth a visit, you can only get there easily by rail.
I revisited most of the Munros I walked pre Sota, but not GM/NS-009 and GMNS-020. That will likely chew away at me, I will hopefully activate these two at some time.
I will ignore Colwyn MM0YCJ advice not to start the Corbetts! A quick check says that Colwyn has activated all but 17 Corbetts! He could complete that amazing feat this year!
73 and thanks for all the qso’s
Well done to you. Luckily its an addiction I’ve never had. Good luck with the Corbits and those two tops you did pre-SOTA.
Good stuff Gavin.
Well done Gavin! That’s a fair accomplishment, especially doing SOTA along the way. Glad to have worked you on 2m FM from some of those summits you climbed, a memorable couple being when you were on Aonach Mor along with John @G4YSS and Rob @GM3YTS , and also when I completed GM/ES on Ben Tirran GM/ES-016 and you were over one GM/SS-017 Ben Vane.
What next?
Beinn na Lap was my wife’s last Munro too. A good one to get non walking family and friends up.
Ahoj Gavin, cordial congratulations !