GM/ES-002, 003 and 007

or Braeriach, Cairn Toul and Beinn Bhrotian as everyone else in the world knows them…

This trip was hatched during a spell of rotten weather and family visits curtailing the chance to get out and do.

Maps were studied and the plan to go up the Beinn Bhrotain from Linn o’Dee then over Monadh Mor (a Munro) to camp overnight around Loch nan Stuirteag ( Loch of the seagulls). From there the initial plan was to head up to the ridge then up to Sgor an Lochain Uanie - Angel’s Peak then to Cairn Toul, pick up Devils Point on the way down and then home via Courrour Bothy - if it was getting late, then stay out a second night around there, otherwise continue back out. This would be a grand couple of days out. However, Braeriach os “just” 4km away from where I would join the ridge, so how about including that? Hmmmm , oh well nothing ventured and all that…

Since 007 is little visited by Sota-ists (for obvious reasons!!) , there might be some activists needing a complete, I knew Fraser @MM0EFI did, so I contacted him once a weather window showed up, and we agreed he’d take some gear into work and we’d have s sked.
Others were due to be out and about too, so there was the prospect of other S2S also Andy MCSota @MM7MOX and Andy McAudi @MM0FMF for example.

An early start from Linn o’Dee saw me trekking along a very splendid estate track to White Bridge. Does anyone else set off at normal “dog walking pace” and have to slow down after a while? The high tops were a bit murky (cloudy) and there was wind, but not too strong.
007 was reached before my alerted time and I pinged Fraser and had some lunch. After a bit Fraser responded, I made a call out and back he came, we completed and then he swapped his antenna and rig and the signal strengths improved for us both. Yay - first in the log .
There followed a period of shouting into the ether with nil response on 2m, so I switched over to HF and managed a couple of calls on 40m - thanks to Gavin G5HOW for "re-finding " me after someone sent “QRL” followed half a second later by CQ CQ etc on the frequency in use - hey ho.
20m gave a good run of chasers from the continent - thank you all folks - your support is greatly appreciated.
30m gave nothing .

A chap with a dog came over and said “did I see you on Sgurr nan Conbhairean in Kintail in March” - “err yes I was there” - he’s only seen SOTA in action twice and both times me…I did recall him after a bit of conversation to confirm.

I was all packed up and last thing to go in the rucksack was the 2m handy - I thought I’d give a last shout out before heading off and there was Robin @GM7PKT - somewhat out of breath having just made it to the top of GM/WS-308 - it’s surrounded by bigger hills in most directions, but had a path through to Bhrotain. He was a “bit pleased” to make the contact as he’d waited 22 years to make the complete. Glad I’d made that last shout for sure!
Oh and if the next person up there finds a black clutch pencil, can I have it back?

So over the Munro (I picked up about 5 during the trip and one deleted one) Monadh Mor and down into the valley for an overnight camp. The wind dropped, the skies cleared and the sky was full of stars - lovely.
Next morning was bright and the sun was rising up over Cairn Toul into a clear sky.
I set off up to the ridge and got there in good time so Braeriach 002 was “on”.
By the time I got there, it was cloudy and there was a good breeze - enough so that I was glad to hide behind a rock and put out calls on 2m. I had 4 responses including one from the Orkney’s a first for me, so thanks for that Brian!
Cairn Toul is reached via Angel’s Peak and I was still a bit ahead of my tentative schedule. The summit was busy (given the location) so as 2m FM gave 5 qsos including 2 to Edinburgh near home, thanks Christine @GM4YMM and Brian @GM8PKL.

So that was the SOTA aspect done - all that remained was another couple of hills including Devils Point and the walk out.
Back to the car around 21:30 and back home around 1am.

Here is a map of the trek and an elevation profile and then a some photos.

Copyright OS 2024

On the ascent to 007 - looking to Ben Macdui GM/ES-001 in the background and Carn a’Mhaim GM/ES-013 that FMF was up recently and gave us great pictures.

Same spot looking west.

On the descent of Monadh Mons Devils Point on the right with the next days hills to the left.

Saturday morning - sun about to appear - nice place to camp - around the 900m level so cool enough at night.

From the ridge looking to Braeriach.

“atmospheric” shot taken looking down the river Dee returning from Braeriach - no point in taking a “gray scale” card on it’s top.

Angel’s Peak and Cairn Toul with non sota hill on the right.

A pair of boots and Carn a’Mhaim from the operating station on Cairn Toul.

This was the restaurant view for the evening meal - with the emphasis on the “rest”.

Total walking distance 48.9km 2013m ascent.

Memories - priceless - thanks for reaching this far.


(corrected spelling)


Some fine pics in there Alan. Nice views of Carn a’Mhaim too. Well if I hadn’t had the dogging accident my plans were for Struie GM/NS-138 early Saturday morning and later on Carn na h-Easgainn GM/CS-096 on the way home. Should have got at least one S2S from either of them and possibly a completion with Andy MOX.

Great report and pictures Alan. Was delighted to work you on all three summits (one on CW, two on FM), esp as that also tipped me over the 3,000 chaser points mark. Well done on exploiting a decent weather window. Excellent effort. 73 Mike :+1:


Didn’t see it today when I was up there with @GM5ALX :smile:

Beautiful photos, great views, sublime camping spot, fantastic expedition. Thanks for the Complete too! Glad I didn’t have to wait as long as Robin.

Congratulations Mike! You’re such a Sloth.


Guilty as charged m’lud :joy:


Absolutely beautiful country to read about over breakfast on a dreich morning. I could almost return to the UK for that!

I’d view that as a good thing. Personally I set off at ‘old man who’s been folded into a ute for the last 2 hours’ pace and speed up as joints unsieze (or the brain gets bored of pain response and starts ignoring the messages)!


Hi Alan, splendid report. I listened on Saturday when I saw your spot but alas couldn’t hear you.

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There is something special about the wide open spaces of Cairngorms. I think @MM0VPM Alan saw the best of them over the last couple of days.


Dreich will be back here soon enough, we savour these great days when they occur though👍


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Thanks Andy,
I reached Gordon in Mallaig, but too much of Scotland getting in the way between you an me.

Brian said he had discovered that with the right weather condition, he can see the summit of Cairn Toul from the Braids!! So Los to Edinburgh, shows that they are big lumps right enough.

Standing on Devils Point and looking up another 300 m to Cairn Toul, I was glad I’d already been there and didn’t have it still to do.


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More about Brian seeing the Cairngorms from Edinburgh.

Good stuff these uWave bands.

Tell me about it. My recent activation of Carn a’Mhaim was visually stunning. WX was miserable anti-cyclonic gloom today unlike yesterday which was wall to wall blue sky. Not sure when the next good day is due. 2026 maybe! :wink:

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