Gaulfest 2024 - photos and reports

I’ll come if I can.
Plans might change - could do with ticking off Caer Caradoc as well so might have to share with James.


I would join in if it were a weekend, but unfortunately I am one of those that only get the weekends and bank holidays off. Oh the joys of retail!


No prob Pete, I’ve alerted for midday, but it’s a big AZ with fab take off so loads of room. I’ll be parking at the parents in law in Stretton and walking up from the south and then back down to Mr Bun. I’m a bit weather dependent though, horizontal rain will probably put me off!

Viki and Rod have been in touch and may potentially also join in on WB-006, so it’s going to be party time!


Hi Jimmy

All being well I’ll come along too - no points available for me in the area, and I can’t get away first thing, so I’ll probably take it easy and head for G/WB-015 for around 12.00

Looks like Mr Bun will have a busy time …



15 alerts and 7 participants as it stands - and the wx outlook is promising.


If I can manage one of the wee summits off the A702, I’ll try and s2s on HF.


I’ve removed Corndon Hill and Stipperstones from my plan to make for a slightly less hectic day and more importantly increase the chances of making it to Mr Bun in time :slight_smile:


I’ve alerted for G/DC-008 but will only be HF CW. I could take a 2m HT but I think that it would be a stretch to reach the Gaulfest centre of activity with it from Cornwall. :slight_smile:


Now 18 Gaulfest alerts and 11 Gaulfest participants - and the wx forecast remains highly favourable.

At this rate even the organiser @m0hgy might actually turn up!


Apologies but I won’t be able to make it in person as I am working, but will certainly listen out and join in on the fun over the airwaves



Really nice to see and work so many people on hills in mid wales, especially 10m which was surprising.

Thanks for all the summits to summits from the Lake District and enjoy the Buns. Did you make it before it closed….


Thanks for organising the event and the good weather Jimmy @M0HGY , good turnout in the end.

Lovely and sunny on G/WB-014. Only 1 summit today after having to pop back to Minsterley to pick up the FT3D that I left on a verge yesterday :zipper_mouth_face:

One of the many trees provided a handy mount for the flowerpot dipole, radio and tablet:

After working the first set of summit to summits on V/UHF I called CQSSTV for over 30 mins without any replies (that I could decode in any case). A few contacts on 10m digi, then SSB mixed in with more S2S on the backup HT.

Nice to meet everyone at Mr Bun, and will try and make next year’s event.


Hi all

Lovely day out, surprisingly good weather before the storm hits
Nice view to Long Mynd, Stretton Hills and Caer Caradoc, and the Wrekin from Callow Hill G/WB-015

Mr Bun might become a favourite haunt …

73 all and Happy New Year



Thank you to everyone who took part in Gaulfest today. Today has been the most successful Gaulfest ever since it relaunched in the recent years. At least 11 people took part in Gaulfest by activating SOTA summits and 9 people attended the Gaulfest meet up Mr Bun The Baker in Church Stretton. At the Gaulfest meet up were myself, my dad Tom @M1EYP, Kevin @MW0KXN, James @M7SDO, Rick @M5RJC, Tony @M5OTA, Pete @MW0PJE Phil @G4HQB and Gillian @M0OVW. There was also a mini Gaulfest meet up beforehand on Long Mynd - Pole Bank G/WB-005 as me, my dad Tom M1EYP, Tony M5OTA and Kevin MW0KXN were all on this summit at the same time much to Viki @M6BWA’s delight as she was able to qualify her summit instantly on 70cm with 4 summit-to-summits.

Some photos below.

Jimmy M0HGY


Brilliant day Jimmy. Four summits. Four 10m Challenge multipliers. 20 SOTA activator points. 29 QSOs. 11 summit-to-summit contacts. Lovely weather. Fantastic and well-attended social at the bakery. Gaulfest is now definitely back with a bang!


Looks like it was a successful day! Thanks for the report and photos.


Thanks all for activating and glad to join in over the air! Managed 9 chases over 7 unique summits using my FT-65 in the house.


Thanks Jimmy @M0HGY for organising, great fun today and good to meet everyone in Church Stretton. 17 qso’s from G/WB-006 and a lot of S2S.

Only missing Viki and Rod for the full house.

I definitely needed the hot chocolate and giant flapjack at Mr Bun’s, despite the blue skies the wind was pretty chilly!


FT65 to FT65! Managed it even if you were just above the noise! Thanks for the QSO Jared.


Thank you for arranging a superb day Jimmy @M0HGY.

I set myself easy objectives with my priority being to have fun and to get the Mr Bun the Bakers on time, I was last in but not really late!

G/WB-007, Heath Mynd
This was a new summit to me and it was glorious. I will certainly be returning to Heath Mynd.

Blue skies and sunny weather, looking West towards Wales

The Stiperstones on the horizon

My working position, with Corndon in the background

Jimmy kicked things off with a 2m S2S from GW/MW-013, Corndon, swiftly followed by Tom. Viki and Rod were on G/WB-008, Hergest Ridge, and I was delighted to be able to give Viki an S2S on 70cm, for which I apparently owe her Welsh Cake when we next meet. Phil and Gillian gave me S2S contacts from G/WB-012, High Vinnalls. James @M7SDO gave me a S2S from G/WB-006, Caer Caradoc Hill. Tim, @G5OLD was out in the Lake District on G/LD-006, Pillar giving me another S2S. I enjoyed a leisurely 34 QSOs, and a chat with a local artist, over the course of a couple of hours. One of the highlights was a lovely natter with Paul, @G0OER on CW from his valve TX which gave me a qualifying QRP-QRP contact for the G-QRP Winter Sports event. I had been hoping to meet Adrian, @G4AZS, and it was a very welcome consolation to have a nice CW exchange.

G/WB-005, Long Mynd - Pole Bank
I didn’t leave myself much time to activate Pole Bank, so I was delighted to be welcomed by Jimmy, Tom and Tony @M5OTA when I arrived. Jimmy handed me the microphone to make another 70cm S2S with Viki who was now on G/WB-012, High Vinnalls. Thanks Jimmy. I wandered back down the path a little way and worked 40m CW with the little time that I had left myself. Sorry for just missing you Esther, @GI0AZA.

I arrived at Mr Bun to find a table full of friends with big smiles, warm drinks, cakes, and tales of another glorious day on the hills. I set off home thinking that the day was over but managed a mobile QSO to Jimmy on G/WB-004, Titterstone Clee.

73, Kevin