Gaulfest 2024 - photos and reports

Well I’ve just returned to the shack after running Dad’s Taxis tonight - picking Jimmy M0HGY and Liam up from the pub!

I came into the shack to resume the catch-up with the summit pages on my website, and I turned the radio on to find something to listen to. You never know what might be going out on the Shortwave Gold frequency 3975kHz so I tuned to that frequency.

Imagine my surprise when within seconds I heard the words “Tom M1EYP and Jimmy M0HGY”! It turns out the programme going out was the Amateur Radio Newsline Report, and the item was about the forthcomng SOTA Gaulfest!

Curious to hear the full item, I did a quick websearch and soon found this:

So you can check it out yourself! But as an old SWL, I am smugly satisfied that I came across it randomly, through my rig, listening to short wave!




I hope to join you for the fun but will not be able to confirm until a date is fixed.


I guess that’s the same for everyone Kevin - even us! Fixing a date in advance gives more people the opportunity to commit - or otherwise. But - it does limit you to a potentially awful day in midwinter with no flexibility to alter!

That’s why - at present - we are trying the method of announcing a few candidate dates in the lead up, with the actual date actually confirmed the week before with the benefit of accurate weather information.

I do hope it works out that you can join us mate.


There is lots of potential for an awful day on the Welsh borders at this time of year. It was pretty foul last year, but I am glad that I made the effort.

It makes sense to try to align with the day offering the best weather forecast, and I am happy to live with the uncertainty around dates.

I will keep watching the reflector and hope to see you at Mr Bun.

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Thanks Mr Jimm interesting event ,Regards to and TeaM ,great Job enjoy … hpy XMaSs Days and new Year 2025 see you in the frecuency guays…44


Gaulfest will be taking place on Monday 30th December as this is the only date that both me and my dad Tom @M1EYP will be available on. I am hoping that the weather will be good on this day, if not I myself will be bailing out like I did last year. However, my dad Tom M1EYP will definitely be taking part in Gaulfest on Monday 30th December regardless of the weather.

Jimmy M0HGY


Sadly I can’t make it.

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30th is good for me!

Planning to do the famous five again, but start a bit earlier to make it to Mr Bun in time! So:

  • Titterstone Clee Hill G/WB-004
  • Brown Clee Hill G/WB-002
  • Corndon Hill GW/MW-013
  • Stipperstones G/WB-003
  • Long Mynd G/WB-005

Focusing on 10M CW and 2M FM. And also if anyone is around to chase, or indeed S2S, 4M FM. I haven’t made a QSO yet on the radio I won in the raffle at the event in the summer and it really needs to see some SOTA action!

Plans subject to change dependent on the weather, if I manage to get up when the alarm goes off etc.


Me and my dad @M1EYP were planning to activate Corndon Hill GW/MW-013 followed by Stipperstone G/WB-003 and then Lond Mynd - Pole Bank G/WB-005, afterwards heading for Mr Bun The Baker for the meet up. It’s possible that we may ended meeting on some of these mentioned SOTA summits and therefore we may need to decide between us at the summit, what bands and modes we will all be doing.
It is still very unclear as to what time Mr Bun The Baker shuts as one source says it shuts at 5pm and another source says it shuts at 4pm. Looks like based on this that 2pm might be a good time to do Mr Bun The Baker meet up so as to avoid the risk of anyone arriving at The Bun The Baker just before it is about to shut.

Jimmy M0HGY


Pfft! Who would do such a thing! :laughing:

I suspect you and your Dad’s time keeping is much better than mine Jimmy, so if we do meet it is more likely to be just as you are leaving the parking spot for a summit as I arrive. If we are fortunate enough to be on the same summit at the same time, co-ordinating will be no problem. I’ll have my KX2 and EFRW so can do any HF band from 40M up and am flexible which should mean we can easily de-conflict.


Weather permitting I will try and do G/WB-006, 2m/70cm FM.

If I get chance before the 30th, next time I’m in Church Stretton I will pop in and ask.


You could try using Mr. A.G. Bell’s invention which I think is called a Tephelone and ask what the hours are? :wink:


I will try to join you and hope to visit Heath Mynd G/WB-007 and one of: Corndon Hill GW/MW-013; Stipperstones G/WB-003; or Long Mynd G/WB-005, before making my way to Mr Bun.

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This is the kind of thinking that spoils all the fun Andy. In years gone by we were able to voice opinions on subjects like this for weeks on end without the need for facts. Most of my time in pubs was spent in conversations of this nature. Nowadays, all to often, someone brings the conversation to a premature end by looking up the answer on their mobile phone. I think that we should let the debate on the closing time at Mr Bun role on for a little longer.


I think they monitor 145.450 FM for locals, or 7.140 SSB for long distance/international orders.


I have the information!

Mr Bun The Baker will close at 3.30pm that day.

Probably best we try to arrive there between 2pm and 2.30pm I’d suggest.


:thinking: hmmm, might need to revise my plans a bit and aim for slightly fewer summits.


Four stations currently alerted for Gaulfest participation. One week today it takes place.

Hopefully will see plenty more alerts going on after the main festivities. It would be brilliant to see this 21 year old SOTA seasonal tradition return to its former glory!


Family lunch for me on that day, so I won’t be able to get to Mr Bun before closing time. I’ll try to chase a few from home if opportunity knocks!
Best wishes,