First Activation of Eagle Ridge, VE6/JF-113.

Today I did the First activation of eagle ridge a 4 point butt kicking summit, also in the pictures you will see Mist mountain on the other side of the saddle 10 points. All together my morning consisted of almost 200 kilometers of driving followed by 7.5 kms out and back with 654m elevation gain. Thanks to all the chasers you guys rock I’m so thankful I can rely on you guys everytime and thanks for s2s contacts as well.

73 guys de VE6JTW


Now that is a fabulous summit! Congrats!

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Really great Jesse. Congratulations and thank you for this new one contact !
Very best regards.
Chris F4WBN


@AJ6KZ @F4WBN Thanks guys! it’s been s Sota goal of mine to get a first activation, it’s not so easy here in VE6 land but after the association update there are quite a few now. this one was a leg destroyer but fun none the less. Next year I plan to do the 10 point summit another 4 kms up the other side from the saddle.


This is Mist Mountain a VE6 10 Point summit, my next goal I just mentioned. VE6/JF-034


Absolutely beautiful.
Congratulations Jesse.
73, Eric

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Gorgeous summit. Love the MTR and EFHW combination.

Vy 73 de Jonathan “JB”

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VE6 and VE7 land has a lot of vertical.

Beautiful pictures. How are you liking that key?

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Its fantastic Key Mike, It requures a soft fist and well I dont have that so its been a adjustment period but I really like it. Its smooth and exactly what you would expect for a key of that price. I would definitely recommend it.