New thread for those wanting to post their pictures. I must say, I wasn’t expecting such a response, but it’s so good to see all these shots - they’re simply spectacular!
New thread for those wanting to post their pictures. I must say, I wasn’t expecting such a response, but it’s so good to see all these shots - they’re simply spectacular!
My favorite picture is this one. The Border Collie showed us the all the way up from start to the top. He walked in front of us all the way, from the car to the trigpoint. It was not our dog.
It was on my SOTA Tour october 2019, summit EI/IS-096, Leataoibh.
I’m glad that you created this part 2, Jordan as it’s given me the chance and the pleasure to keep reviewing some of my SOTA pics. As I said in my post on the part 1, there are so many…
Let me share here with you a few more pics from my collection that I like a lot.
Taken by Joel Shannon KC4WZB while we were on the summit of Grassy Mountain W4G/HC-007 while we were waiting for the 2019-2020 GMT Rollover. The ray of the setting sun giving a laser beam effect.
Ariel NY4G
73 de S58R - Rado
Perfect weather to generate this hoar frost the night before on Taum Sauk W0M/SF-001 in Missouri.
John N0EVH
We have seen lots of great photos in this topic. Guru’s comment makes me ponder if this thread should become a permanent fixture where we upload one or two of our better photos after an activation. The upload wold be quick and easy, just the pictures with a short description and Sota ref., simply for their inspirational or artistic value and to put the QSO’s in context?
Good idea David.
I always make a slideshow of the pictures that I take at every activation and then link to my blog post ( / from the summit information page.
Another nice usage of these pictures might be to pick from them at random for the pictures on the database home page
but I suspect that might be a lot of manual work for Andy so perhaps not so practical.
73 Ed.
Sure. Who is going to pay for the storage space? Donations to Barry please.
Is the new Database clever enough to scrape this Discourse thread for image files and select one randomly?
Anyway, I know I’ve already had a couple of goes, but I need to chuck this one into the mix. This is Jimmy EA8/M0HGY/P and me EA8/M1EYP/P at the summit of EA8/TF-001, 3715m ASL, the highest activation we’ve ever done.
I was not suggesting an archive, just a depository that could maintain perhaps 100 of the latest photos. Some off these photos are stunning.
Putting photos in Amazon S3 with URLs is not that expensive. It would cost $2.30/month for 100 GB.
Or folks can add them to the Flickr Summits on the Air Photo Pool. There is probably a way to pull a random few photos out of the 17k+ photos in that pool.
It’s not whether it can be done but who is going to do it.
And fix it when it breaks.
And keep doing it and fixing it 5 years time.
And figure how to migrate it when the service selected decides to change the rules
And keep on doing it when they want to do something else.
A really beautiful and pretty unknown spot nearby Lucerne in Central Switzerland is Matthorn, HB/OW-015:
Feeling to be at the top . . .
. . . and the view from there on Lake Lucerne and surroundings:
Vy 73 de Markus, HB9DIZ