One more logging software supporting the SOTA program:
“Fast Log Entry” (FLE) now also saves logs to SOTA .csv format V2 for direct upload.
One more logging software supporting the SOTA program:
“Fast Log Entry” (FLE) now also saves logs to SOTA .csv format V2 for direct upload.
Just had a look at FLE and I think of using it for future sota log upload.
For testing I entered some fictional qso’s and ended up with a slight problem that I am not able to locate! have a look at the screenshot …
5 qso’s 40m ssb --> the last entry changed to 20m ssb
2 qso’s 20m ssb --> the last entry changed to 2m fm
3 qso’s 2m fm
I’m not 100% sure if my entry is correct … I can’t find the error. Maybe someone can give me a hint!?
73 Martin, OE5REO
Hi Martin,
It definitely looks like a bug in the last version: the entry before a band change is logged on the new band.
I have forwarded your message to the author, so check his website, there should be a bug fix available soon.
Bernd, DF3CB, just uploaded a new version of FLE to his website. Just for testing purposes I typed in my last sota-log and tried to upload … everythink worked perfect (Bug is gone, Activator-Log and also S2S/Chaser-Log uploaded without problem). With this tool I will be definately quicker uploading my logs!
Thanks for this nice piece of software!
73 Martin, OE5REO
Downloaded it a while back but it looks like I need to implement it now. Thanks all!
Kent K9EZ
Very nice logging software. I use it after each activation
73 Kostas SV2HJW
Thanks for the refresh on this topic. I just tried FLE… and WOW! I already have a really fast workflow in Log4OM for importing handwritten logs, but FLE is crazy fast and easy. The program (log entry) works almost exactly the way I hand write my logs (i.e. an occasional time update and a note on the band changes). The time interpolation makes it even easier than the incremental time additions in Log4OM. Hardly even have to look at FLE entry as you are transcribing the written log. Then hit F5, 2-quick exports (ADIF and SOTA-CSV), import the ADIF into Log4OM and then import the CSV into sotadata and you are done!
I’ll be testing LFE out on my SOTA trip to Tucson/Phoenix-AZ starting tomorrow. Hopefully lots of activations to put FLE through its’ paces!
73 Jim/K7MK
Nice software, recommend !
Very nice discover !
A new version of Fast Log Entry (FLE) is available on Bernd’s website,
Change History
FLE 3.1 (June 14, 2020)Bug fix: QSOs in JT Modes such as FT8, FT4 and positive reports such as +01 were incrementing the QSO date. New header keyword MYGRID to be able to export the logging station's grid locator as MY_GRIDSQUARE in ADIF.
FLE 3.0 (June 3, 2020)
Changing from 32-bit to 64-bit with a new installer. When starting FLE V3 it automatically takes all your settings from your installed FLE V2 version. FLE V2 can be deinstalled afterwards. Updates of the log grid are now significantly faster. Under one second even with large logs. The log grid can be sorted by any column ascending or descending by clicking on the column headers. A filter check box to show any possible log errors. New option for immediate log grid updates after each new QSO. New option to fold date ranges in the log (Date folding). New option to show log modifications. Time interpolation improved. The DATE keyword is now optional and no longer mandatory. The QSO partner's name can be entered and exported in ADIF. Modes FT4 and JS8 added.
There is a new version of Fast Log Entry (FLE) available to download …
Change History
73 Martin, OE5REO
Pity SOTA doesn’t
It’s always worked for POTA. POTA ingests KFF just fine. I’ve been using it for years and just use KFF instead of K for the reference prefix. Nice to see it now “officially” supports POTA, though.
Now if it would just support a combo POTA/SOTA activation like it does for WWFF/SOTA.
I’ve recently started doing a bit of POTA so this new version will be very useful.
What would be helpful would be the ability for FLE to import an adif file, specifically, the adif file created by WSJT-X. This would be useful for creating a single adif file where digital and other modes (SSB etc) have been used on an activation.
I got around this on a recent activation by manually logging the FT8 QSOs so I could then enter them into FLE but it would have been nice to use the WSJT-X generated adif file.
I’ve run SST and CWT at a park. That would be helpful for those cases where a contest logger is more appropriate for a POTA activation.
ADIF Master possibly.
Or use Christophe ON6ZQ’s ADIF tools to export a SOTA CSV from your various ADIF files and then use Excel, LibreOffice, OpenOffice etc. to edit the CSV files.
That’s what I’ve used before. Importing the WSJT-X file into SwissLog where I had already entered the phone QSOs. I then exported all the relevant QSO lines into a new adif file which I massaged in ADIF Master to get it into something I could upload to POTA. This was for a POTA activation which was from two parks at the same time so I needed two adif files, one for each park and you can’t send the same file twice as the systems sees duplicates.
The SOTA Database is much better!
Will adapt my Command Line Interface version (FLEcli) to track the new SOTA/WWFF/POTA features. FLEcli
solves the problems encountered by MAC or Unix users that can’t run the original Windows program.
Note that it had already some POTA features but I was feeling uncomfortable to diverge from the FLE file specification. The open request to have automatic POTA output file name generation doesn’t fall in that category. Should be added soon.
73 de ON4KJM
Any text editor can do it. Just copy & paste both ADIF files together and erase one of the two headers. Just that
73, Mikel
That works if all the columns are the same which they are not. But this can be corrected using ADIF Master then joined as you suggest. Thanks.