ELECRAFT KH1 - First time in the Swiss Alps

Hi all

Thursday Carine (HB9FZC) and I took the oportunity to take the new KH1 for the first time with us on an acitivation in the Swiss alps. It was very, very cold and windy and not easy for me to make some CW with nearly frozen fingers, but it was a lot of fun for both of us to use the KH1 for the first time on a summit :sunglasses: :sunglasses: We’ve produced a short video - enjoy it :+1:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC


Alles mit dabei! Alles mit dabei!

Ausgezeichnetes Video und gute Übung, um mein schlechtes Deutsch zu verbessern.

Andy G8CPZ


G M from Arizona,
Really enjoyed your video. The Elecraft KH1 seems to be a fantastic radio. Cold fingers always makes CW a bit difficult. Hope to work you on bands someday. All the best Rene and Carine.HB9NBG / HB9FZC- de Richard, N6PKT 73.


Great video WoW what a view you have from your summits.
Ian vk5cz 


Great video. You said it was cold. You would freeze to death on some of our smaller summits at this time of the year, wearing the clothing you had on

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Hallo Andy, vielen Dank fĂŒrs Kompliment :nerd_face: Wir haben 30Stk des neuen KH1 in Backorder bei ELECRAFT, und Wayne hat uns schon mal einen geschickt und dazu die Anmerkung gemacht “I can hardly wait to see the KH1 in the Swiss Alps” - da mussten wir ganz einfach die erste Gelegenheit packen, denn die Tage, wo es nicht regnet oder schneit, sind sehr selten im Moment hier.

Vielen Dank noch einmal, und vielleicht klappt’s ja bald mit einem CW-QSO zwischen und mit dem KH1 :grin:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG

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Hi Richard and thanks very much for your reply :nerd_face: :nerd_face: The KH1 is really an awesome radio - something I’ve never seen before :grin: Normally we work in SSB with the KX2, when it is windy like this on the summit, and Carine is still waiting for her own first CW with the KH1 - she really can hardly wait :wink:

Maybe it will work with a QSO from a summit with you someday in the afternoon here; that would be great :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC

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Hi Ian, thanks very much :grin: Yes the environment when you are activating summits in the Swiss alps, is really always awesome :sunglasses:

vy 73 es cu soon
 de René, HB9NBG

Ususally we stay at home, if it is windy like this :wink: But believe me, we were activating a 3’000m-summit a few years ago already, where it was much, much solder - see our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zePMjXP7r2w&list=PLP4wafvCplVnBYGnT0jtvuZL-IQppTiV-&index=19&t=1s

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG

i have gloves with fold over Fingercups, so CW in Winter is possible

i am looking forward my ordered KH1 :slight_smile:


That sounds interesting :+1: Carine and I made another test yesterday with the KH1, and the wx was very bad again , but fortunately not so cold. See our video. In the meantime I’ve gloves, that are more thin - I think it will be possible to make CW with it :+1: we’ll see

see links down:


Would it be of some value to do a Human Factors comparison of all of the KH1 vs. same functions on the KX3, in terms of the number of commands (key presses, etc.) to accomplish the same function?

Per Josh, WU7H:

I own and have used the KX2 and KH1 (and MTR3) extensively. I have also used a KX3 extensively. The basic controls that you typically use during an activation are very easy to use on the KH1 and compare favorably to the KX2/KX3. I have used the KH1 with gloves on, and had no trouble. The user interface is very well designed.

 the KH1 has 6 switches, because both the knobs can be pressed in.