EA2DT has 300.000 chaser points

Well done Manuel. Always good to hear you.


Congrats Manuel,

today we had our QSO no. 64 and 65. I’m glad I could support you a little bit to catch this goal.

73, Ludwig

An amazing accomplishment. I’ve just reached 299 chaser points and will hopefully cross the 300 mark this week. But 300K? Astonishing. :slight_smile:

Congratulations, Manuel!
Thank you for being such a constant and reliable chaser!

Looking forward to many more contacts!
73, Sylvia

WOW !!

Best, Ken K6HPX

Well Done Manuel! You’ve saved an activation for me on more than one occasion, the most memorable being the day I trekked across three 10 point Cairngorm summits. The weather was dire on the third top. The wind was howling, the rain driving. I huddled inside the bothy bag and put out a call. I’ve never been so glad to hear your voice! (Don, Christian and Lars too!)

73, Fraser

Report of that day
A Long Round of Glen Eanaich and Mountains GM/ES-002 GM/ES-003 GM/ES-009

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Manuel, yo también te felicito por estos 300.000 puntos. Gracias por los muchos QSO. Hasta la proxima vez.

73 de hb9fvk

Dear all,
Thank you very much to everyone for your messages and also to those who have congratulated me privately.

This achievement would never be achieved without your activities at the summits, so the merit is yours, activators who make efforts to give us SOTA points and in very complicated situations many times.

See you to the next summit!


EA2DT Manuel


Manuel it’s impossible - give these points to all hunters … cong… Wiola i Leszek

Activating wouldn’t be as much fun without the chasers.


Many many Congratulations !! always in my log !!

73 de IW0HK Andrea

Congratulations Manuel, it is something fascinating, it is lucky to have hunters like you, because there is a lot of friends left to follow

Mi enhorabuena Manu por alcanzar los más de 300.000 puntos como perseguidor SOTA me satisface un montón ver EA2DT en mi log de cada una de mis salidas es una varadera maravilla tu constancia como perseguidor de todos los diplomas un abrazo

Congratulations on that great achievement. 300.000 is an incredible number!!

Congratulations Manuel for being in my log 226 times.

You are always on the other side of the pile-up ready to contact.

Gracias Manu por estar siempre ahí. A por los 400K… :laughing:

Great manuel :+1:

Fantastic result. I am not surprised though. Whenever I activate using HF you are always in my log. I think that there isn’t another chaser who managed that. I think I got the hot line to your shack.

Thanks for chasing.

73 Marek


Wow! When I read something like that, I can only marvel.

Congtats Manuel, fantastic! Always a pleasure to hear your voice when I make an activation.
73, Stefan

300 000 is a remakable score - many congratulations, Manuel. Also thanks for the QSOs along the way, including 2 more this week. Hope to catch you again soon.

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Congratulations Manuel !
You are 203 times in my activator log - vy tnx for that .
Here are the 3 first and the 3 last QSOs.


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