DH3IAJ/p EI/IE-008

Hi all,
Ralf speaks on my gsm-mailbox . he´s on the way to the summit.vy strong wind and a hard walk.qrv in next minutest to 45minutes.not sure abt. excact time.says he starts on 144-ssb/145-fm.i monitor 7-ssb,but no good prop. to EI.spotlite don´t work on EI/IE-008…
good luck Ralf,

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

Yes !! despite heavy QRM, my first EI summit. You made my day

Thanks Ralf !!


In reply to DF2GN:
after 7073khc,Ralf try 14.289…after hf he calls on 144.300 ssb and 145.575fm…

nothing here in S-DL on 40m :frowning:

73 Klaus DF2GN

I think I was just lucky to be at the right place at the right time, Klaus.

There was heavy QRM on 40. (so what’s new :slight_smile: )


anyone worked Ralf on 80m ?

only for info :wink:

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

Hi Klaus, yes lots of UK stations wrkd Ralf on 80m.
I had a strange one with him, Ralf heard my rprt and I hear 55 come back but nobody confirms good contact, next time I hear 55/59, the mind can play tricks with difficult cndx, then Steve GW7AAV called me on 70 cms and tells me it was good contact first time 55. So, do I claim the points or not? Strange one. Any one help please, don’t want to claim if wrong.

vy 73 Mike

In reply to DF2GN:
been listing on 14.289 == what happened about transmitting here ???
Steve m0sgb

In reply to 2E0HJD:

Thanks Mick, it is annoying having made the contact, even worse because it would be my first EI sota.
It would be interesting to enter it in the database and see if it gets a star.
I was certain I heard 55 come back from Ralf first time, but didn’t hear Ralf confirm it when I said qsl the 55, it’s one of those grey areas.
I’m honestly not bothered about it Mick, it really doesn’t matter, the spirit of sota and honesty is more important to me than a few points, maybe I’ll get EI from John BVE when he visits later in the month.
Cheers Mick

73 Mike

In reply to DF2GN:

Hi Klaus

I worked Ralf on 80m 54/58. Nothing heard on any other frequency.

I like your new rig.

73 John GW4BVE

In reply to GW4BVE:
Has any one worked g3vqo/p on CW 80meters

In reply to GW4BVE:
Has any one worked g3vqo/p on CW 80meters

In reply to M0SGB:

Yes, 599 on 3.562 at 1826z

de G3TJE+

In reply to 2E0HJD:

I agree with you 100% Mick, luckily it’s only happened to me once in the early days when someone “thought” they were helping by relaying a report, a non sota stn I hasten to add, and even though I heard the report clearly from the activator, I didn’t enter it.
Can’t argue, you are spot on.
Catch you later.

73 Mike

In reply to M0SGB:

Yepp … :wink:

Worked G3VQO/P Les on 3.562 two minutes ago :wink: peaking up 579 in South-DL

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

In reply to M0SGB:

In reply to GW4BVE:
Has any one worked g3vqo/p on CW 80meters

I got him on 80 cw 599 both ways, a stonking signal Steve.

73 Mike

In reply to M0SGB:
i wish i could do CW then i could have a new unique,
Steve m0sgb

In reply to M0SGB:

According to reflector Les may do 3.666 ssb and or 5.3985 ssb Steve, so keep listening.

In reply to GW0DSP:
Hi Mike,
I am back in the hotel, was a hard activation. Later I want to tell more. If you see the antenna above the ground, you are wondering how this could work. Mick, I heard you 55, but in the qsb you dropped also with your signal to 51-2, but still readable all the time. With my 3-5 wtts on the 10m-wire it is normal I vanished in the noise. Unfortunatly I do not have the rapport from you and for me to count a complete qso I want to have callsign and both rapports. So I’m sorry, but I can not put our uncomplete qso into the database. But I hope you will call me again next time.


In reply to 2E0HJD:
Sorry Mick, the reply was to Mike GW0DSP of course. Was a long day for me…


In reply to DH3IAJ:

Hi Ralf
Thanks for claifying the issue for me, I heard 55 from you, but did not realise that you didn’t receive my report back to you, I have not put the contact into the sota database, because I wasn’t certain that our contact was complete, maybe next time Ralf.
I hope you are enjoying your visit to Ireland and wish you a safe and pleasant journey back home.

vy 73 Mike