In reply to DH3IAJ:
Hi Ralf
Many thanks for the first EI SOTA in my log - excellent sigs here with incredible QRM from a Russian contest station. Looking forward to the next QSO.
AWD und 73 de
In reply to DH3IAJ:
Hi Ralf
Many thanks for the first EI SOTA in my log - excellent sigs here with incredible QRM from a Russian contest station. Looking forward to the next QSO.
AWD und 73 de
In reply to GW0DSP:
Hi Mike
Another station QSPing the report on to me happened on a 40m SOTA CW QSO last week. It has happened before and it is usually when one has to ask for repeats due to weak sigs or QRM. So this misguided helpfulness doesn’t just happen on phone. In this case at the third attempt, I hadn’t got the report and the OP who passed on the 559 report to me to expedite things, ruined any possibility of counting the QSO. I hope by highlighting this that it doesn’t happen again.
It was good to see Ralf DH3IAJ/P QRV in EI after what must have been a long journey, and I am looking forward like you, to working John as EI/GW4BVE later this month.
Phil G4OBK
In reply to G4OBK:
Hi Phil, I think that ops who QSP any info only mean well, but don’t realise, that they are in fact, ruining the contact for two sota members.
Fortunately, it has only ever happened to me once and cost me the points and the summit.
In my case it was a non sota paticipant, who thought he was helping me by relaying my report.
This wasn’t the case last night, Ralf didn’t get my report because of QSB/QRM, so it is a simple case of an incomplete contact.
Suppose you hear your report correctly after a period of trying, but just before you confirm this with the other station, one of these “helpful” people chips in with the report.
Should you have to discount the contact? It is surely up to one’s own honesty rather than whether a third party tried to “help”. I know that if this happened to me (and I think it has a while back), that if I know I (eventually) heard the report correctly, I would not be inclined to relinquish those points just because of the actions of an uninvited third party. OTOH, if I know I didn’t complete the contact satisfactorily, I would not log it on the Database.
In reply to DH3IAJ:
Thanks Ralf, no easy copy but it worked. Noticed that I only used 40W but you could here me through the noise
73 Norby
In reply to M1EYP:
A very good point Tom.
In my case, I didn’t hear the report from the op before someone QSPd it, so QSYd straight away in annoyance.
I think that I would be in a turmoil if I actually heard a report after someone had blurted it out, as you say it’s down to the honesty and integrity of the individual, there is also the point that if someone QSPs 57, your mind is then tuned in and listening for 57 which makes it easier to hear it in poor condx.
I heard your cw contact with Les G3VQO last night Tom, nice cw from you as always, well done.
My bencher flew apart again last night so it’s now in the draw awaiting a new spring from bencher and the palm paddle is now out of my rucksack and in use in the shack.
73 Mike