Dave M0JKS Achieved MG

Congratulations Dave Very Well Done. 08/ 06/ 2024. GW/ NW-012. 2Mtr. FM. Achieved his first MG.


Couldnā€™t have happened to a nicer bloke. Well done Dave!


Well done Dave. A nice summit on which to get your MG. :grinning:


Many congratulations Dave on reaching Mountain Goat status! :clap::clap::clap:


Congratulations Dave.

73 Richard


Well done Dave! :grinning::+1::goat:


Congratulations Dave and welcome to the herdšŸ.
Great to meet up with you on Saturday and get that s2s.

73 Allan


Congratulations Dave!
Thanks for the S2S on the day and the many many contacts along the way!
Was good to meet up on Saturday.

73, Robert


Congratulations Dave @M0JKS - what a fantastic achievement! It was great to meet you in person at last, after all these times weā€™ve spoken on air!

Keep up the good work :ok_hand:

73, Ben


Congratulations Dave on achieving MG recently :ok_hand::clap::pray:

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Thank you everyone for such kind words. It was a big push at the end, but getting the final points on such a great weekend was brilliant. I was particularly pleased that Paul (M0CQE), my top chaser, was my 4th QSO on Saturday. Thanks Paul for all the nice QSOs over the last few years, especially in 2023!

Sadly the day was ever so slightly tarnished by dropping my VX-7R on the way up Cadair Berwyn; which is why I was late getting to the event. Unfortunately I didnā€™t find it on the way down (despite retracing my step), but amusingly Richard (G3CWI) put my mind at easy by telling me the VX-7R was a s**t radio anyway, so not to worry too much :smile: Having replaced the ceramic filters twice, I really couldnā€™t argue with himā€¦Anyway, if anyone comes across a VX-7R on Cadair Berwyn, itā€™s mine. If anyone comes across one on eBay, Facebook market place or such like, which has no box, no charger and has a Diamond SRH940 antenna that looks like a chihuahua has chewed it, let me know and Iā€™ll send my people round (i.e. the wife).

The first 1/2 hour of the MG activation on Cadair Berwyn (GW/NW-012) was a tad wet and windy, so apologies to the first 10 QSOs for moaning about the British weather so much. However, like clockwork, as soon as GW4BML came on the radio, the sun came out and fine weather ensued. Thatā€™s some powers you have there Ben!

Despite loosing the VX-7R (so I could not do 6m), I had packed the kitchen sink for the day, and was able to use the Alinco DJ-G7 to get six QSOs on 23cm, with two S2Ss; thanks Peter (MW0PJE) and Steve (GW4TCU). I was so busy on 2m and 23cm, I didnā€™t have to get the KX2 out of my rucksackā€¦ it was that busy. Total tally for the day was 41 QSOs and 32 S2S.

I must also thank Gillian (M0OVW), my fellow MG on the day, for introducing me to everyone; and for once saving my activation on Callow Hill on a Saturday evening when I really should have been in the Craven Arms. Finally a big thank you must go to Ben for organising the event; and for all the QSOs (and S2S points) over the last three years.

It was also brilliant to finally put faces to voices and callsigns. Hopefully, I can catch up again with some of you in the pub in Windermere on Markā€™s (@M0NOM) G/LD weekend 22nd/23rd June.



Congratulations Dave on achieving Mountain Goat. It was good to see you recently at the GW SOTA Hog Roast.

Jimmy M0HGY

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Well done Dave.

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Well Done Dave, and on my Favourite SOTA Summit, brilliant achievement and Iā€™m very Jealous :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations Dave on your MG achievement! Nice to work you on your significant activation & previous ones. 73 John

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Congrats, and good to see you!

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Dave, it was lovely to meet at put at face to the call sign. If you are going for a secondā€¦:goat: then I shall hopefully catch you on another hilltop.

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Iā€™m sure @G3CWI Richard had maybe had a few too many beers when he uttered those words. The VX-7R is a great radio. Shame they donā€™t make them like that any more.


Many congratulations Dave on joining the mountain goat herd and glad I got a s2s with you in the process. Iā€™m very sorry to hear of your loss of your trusty VX-7R radio which has been my only radio for about the last 12 years when I have certainly had to replace a couple of small whip antennae as they fell off - and were impossible to find but I didnā€™t even know they had ceramic filters and they might need replacing sometime. Ignorance is sometimes bliss! Between us, we own 4 of them but Iā€™m sorry to say none of them are ā€˜spareā€™ as they get used when something goes wrong. Iā€™m sorry to hear you couldnā€™t find it on the way down despite your searching. Thank goodness you had some other equipment with you so you could still get the vital points you needed. I shall ignore Richardā€™s comment on the radio and glad to see that Fraser has agreed that it is a very useful radio (especially when you lose it in a bog - because you are standing on it! Within a few minutes it was in use again so perhaps the ā€˜waterpoofā€™ tag is justified.
Glad you enjoyed the party Ben threw to celebrate your and Gillianā€™s great achievement. Just sorry that we couldnā€™t join in the congratulations. Next time perhaps.
73 Viki


Congratulations Dave !

Was nice to meet up on Saturday


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