Datamode SOTA Event

I’m seeing significantly more spots for FT8 activations, and talk about them in activation reports. Nonetheless, datamode SOTA activating remains a tiny proportion of all SOTA activating, in contrast to amateur radio at large, where it dominates.

Would there be any interest in a Saturday morning SOTA QSO Party with a focus on FT8/FT4 operation? I’m happy to plan something if there is.


Given “QSO” implies a conversation, a “QSO Party” utilizing FT8 feels weird. :smiley:



Since most SOTA QSOs are not much more than 5NN TU I think FT8 is just as valid. It’s not for me though.


I know. I just found the combination of words amusing. :slight_smile:



Go for it! Having just started experimenting with FT8 I would be up for it.


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Depending on which Saturday I’ll join in.

I might have FT8/FT4 in 9H on 20/21 November but unsure of timing yet.

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Hi Tom,

I appreciate your idea. During my first activations so far a quarter of my contatcs are DATA (FT8). And among them are not only random QSOs but even real chasers sending TU SOTA in their last over. Perhaps the SOTA DATA Party may last a bit longer than the Saturday morning only :slight_smile: .

73, Frank


If the weather forecast is suitable I would be happy to give it a try. FT4 might be preferable as FT8 can be exceptionally busy, especially at the weekends.

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A QSO is a QSO. I’ve done activations recently with 50 CW or FT4 QSOs inside 30 minutes. I also did one with a single phone QSO that lasted nearly 30 minutes! They’re all QSOs to me.

Main thing is that this thread is to plan for a proposed FT8 SOTA QSO party. For that, we don’t need non-FT8 operators to tell us that they don’t intend to join in. I kinda already assumed that…

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Thanks for the enthusiasm Frank, Peter, Martin and John. I think the preference for FT4 over FT8, especially for the S2S attempts, is sensible.

The Saturday morning vs all weekend discussion is valid, and indeed was a deliberation I had myself when writing the OP. I personally think that FT4/8 SOTA summit operating is currently so unusual that a whole weekend would “thin out” the activity too much. I personally think a 2-4 hour window with activators operating simultaneously is what is needed to make the this event successful. If it proves popular and inspires more activators to get involved with FT4/FT8 activating, then maybe it could expand in the future.

Would anyone like to try this coming Saturday 12th November, 0800-1000 UTC?


I’d be up for that. Can’t do this Saturday. 0800 is a little early TBH, unless it’s a dx event too?

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Well it’s an efficient mode that lends itself to DX. Moreover, I’m going to the football later, so as organiser of the event I’m obviously going to arrange times that allow for my own participation. I am planning a series of these though to build momentum, so maybe others will be more convenient for you Fraser. I would definitely want you involved - because that often results in a great film for everyone to enjoy!


I enjoy seeing the event getting sharper. FT4 instead of FT8 is a good idea regarding speed and busy bands. The time slot seems a bit early for me too (at least when I’ll join as activator).

At least my 8am is your 9am! I will endeavour to vary the times of subsequent events - for this coming Saturday, this is the only time I have.

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I’ll Have a go Tom, although I haven’t used wsjtx for a couple of years now.

An ft-8 movie? :rofl::rofl:


@M1EYP I’ve alerted ‘Arenig Fawr’ GW/NW-011 for this coming Saturday morning and plan to be on summit for 07:30 UTC ish +/- 30 mins. Just about to board a plane for a long journey home now, but if I get time to set WSJTX up on one of my devices, I’ll have a go.

If not, good luck all :+1:


At the moment I am limited to FT8. I have only just dipped my toes into digital modes. I am using the Andoid app ‘FT8 Radio’ which as you can probably guess is a bit limited with mode choice :rofl:


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Can’t activate Saturday but I can chase …

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The weather looks good for Saturday morning here and at my age I guess I shouldn’t be wasting what time I have left in bed so I will join in. :slight_smile: I’ll operate from G/DC-003.

I’m assuming HF will be best. I’ve just had an FT8 QSO into France using 10W this evening on 2m but HF and possibly 40m or 30m would stand the best chance. Perhaps we can try a VHF session some other time?

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