Found on road in Colorado, USA
There are worse places than Lost.
An actual city in the State of Michigan.
France is fertile ground for interesting signs.
Our dog Charlie’s defence here was the writing was too small for him to read.
He was not impressed by the design of this - too high he said.
It is France…
Smelly bridge.
Oops !
Italy. We walked to the village of Arsié and had an ice cream.
But here (somewhere in France) ice creams were not welcome.
I hope our Spanish friends can forgive me putting this up. Cycling in Basque country we came across an interesting sign. I understand a little Spanish but whatever this sign warned us of we survived.
Yeah, but that’s in Basque. “remember that the signs on the ground are for guidance”
Near Panguitch, Utah, where US 89 turns East, but SR 143 continues South…apparently many people miss the turn. Hihi.
Maybe invest in a faster cat?
I haven’t ever seen a “new footway layout” sign before, let alone an improved one
(back story is they recently removed the widened footway they created post covid to give it back to cars)
I’m wondering what the backstory is behind banning any kind of sport in this park:
It was a sign that was being held up at the side of the road at a bike race…
Cute probably isn’t the right word for this one:
Got more of this sort but I’ll spare you.
Sadly I can’t find any photos at the moment, but I remember that many of the signs in Corsica seemed to be used as target practice!
Replacing Corsica with U.S.A. also works.
Closer to home, I saw some passing place signs in Sutherland that had been used for target practice.
Also “Dull” near Aberfeldy twinned with “Boring” in Oregon is another good sign.
On my way back down from GW/NW-037 Y-Garn in June last year.
Not sure if the instruction were as a result of the apparent target practice.
Wales with its need to have signs in two langauges has many strange/funny signs. I think it may take prize for the most errors including.
And it goes on…
73 Jim
Eastern Plumas county on the way out to Black Mtn Lookout W6/NS-233. I’ve yet to “run into” any vicious cows out there

Curt, WR5J, had this posted up above his cooler one year at Salmoncon. Think we ran out of cold one’s too! Met Josh, WU7H, that year as well. Elecraft came out with the “little” KX-2 that year iffen I recall…Maybe had too much free beer that year
Sign on the road right at the turnoff to drive up to Tecate Peak W6/CC-044.
You think the they pay any attention to this sign on the other side of the border? For some reason my warped sense of humor just finds this sign interesting…
Hi, interesting, I have a QSL from a ham whose qth was in Hell; w8ss.
He is still listed on his QRZ page
cheers, Geoff vk3sq
On the hike up to Recon Peak W6/NS-202. You pass by this bit of private property along the USFS road. Guess this guy really doesn’t want any trespassers! There was another gent up above Antelope Lake a few years back that actually shoot some trespassers. He’s sitting in High Desert State Prison now…The trail up to Recon Peak is on public land, and there’s been a few complaints about this guys signs…His property on that side of the gate though…