Congratulations Colwyn MM0YCJ 7x mountain Goat!

Congratulations Colwyn! 7x Mountain Goat!
Brilliant! The drinks are on me when we meet up in November.



… and Colwyn faces a new summit each time, so all uniques, and that from simple to tough!

This is really UNIQUE and stunning - my respect. Congrats Colwyn, and enjoy your next uniques!

73, Markus


My respect Colwyn. You are a awesome radio-mountaneer!
73 Fabio

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Many congratulations Colwyn, truly awe inspiring job, ray

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Well done and congratulations Colwyn. 73 Don.

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Fantastic results! You are a BIG! Congratultions!

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Well done Colwyn, an amazing 1169 unique summits!

73 Gavin

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Thanks Adrian,

My seventh Mountain Goat was achieved 19th September 2022. On I/BS-001 a first activation of Monte del Papa in the Basilicata region of Italy.

I have not yet had time to work out the number of chasers who I must thank for their help and patience over the years, but you all know who you are!!! Heartfelt thanks and I hope to speak to all of you in the near future.

Believe it or not I achieved my 7th mountain goat award twice! How come?

Well, I had downloaded my complete log (7001 points) to do some stats and found my callsign was wrong for a few entries. So, I corrected all the errors I could find and resubmitted them. But I had lost 6 points taking my total back down to 6995. I think that one of the summits had been demoted, was no longer valid and on resubmitting my log in 2022 the points were lost for ever. I am not planning to do any further database corrections! So any details I wrote for my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th goatdom are perhaps slightly changed. I didn’t write anything about the 6th goat, probably because of Covid?!!!

I know that Worldwide 19 others have achieved their 7th Mountain Goat award. But all of the summits I have activated have been using voice and are unique, no repeats. Is this 100% unique record a first?

My 7th goatdom took almost 14 months, this was my fastest by 2 months and much quicker than my 6th at 23 months, again because of Covid (17th August 2019 to 25th July 2021).

Thanks to everyone for the 13,266 QSOs (mean = 11.48, range 1 to 59), but the real thanks must go to my wife Ann, who often comments that I continue to “act the goat!”

QSO total =13,266, FM=2,465 (18.6%), SSB=10,801(81.4%). For the 7th goat the FM percentage has fallen to 13%, SSB up to 87%.

I have been very fortunate to travel overseas with work (prior to retirement) and holidays help, and officially I have transmitted from 37 SOTA associations so hold Platinum Mountain Explorer Award Status and Mountain Explorer Award Status Globetrotter (5 continents).

Thanks again to everyone for their help, I could not have done it without you.




Great, Colwyn. Old summits should not be a problem to re-enter them into the database.

You drive our attention to something important: Your wife lets you do the SOTA stuff very regularly (and you probably offer her a similar service for her topics). So forward a “hello!” and many thanks to your Ann from us here on the other side of your loudspeaker!

73, Markus

Well Done Colwyn!
Great achievement!


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Congratulations on an amazing achievement! Even at my new faster rate it will still take me another 3 years to get my first MG so to get 7 and all unique is incredible.

73 de Richard

Congratulations Colwyn. Amazing result. All uniques… wow

Well done Colwyn!! Incredible.
Hope you’re enjoying Madeira. Cracking place to climb hills and chill out.

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Brilliant achievement Colwyn. Onwards and upwards to 8k, 9k and 10k. :grinning:

73, Gerald

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Stunning achievement Colwyn. Thanks for the many chaser points along the way.

Thanks Marcus,

Ann and I enjoy walking, scrambling, climbing (easy nowadays) and skiing together. SOTA gets us up some very unusual mountains and is a great motivator. The only thing she does not enjoy are sitting on SOTA summits in bad weather, which is something we both now try to avoid if we can.



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Thanks Marcus,

I have not seen this feature on before, very nice to read the summary details.
Interested to see Switzerland is my second association for summists.



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Thanks Fabio,

look forward to our next S-2-S.



Impressive achievement to get 7x :goat: with only unique summits all over the world including the highest summits in the alps. That’s dedication.

Big respect and enjoy some more uniques.
73 Joe

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Thanks Ray,

always good to get a QSO with you either from overseas or locally.

