Congratulations Colwyn MM0YCJ 7x mountain Goat!

Crikey, Colwyn, great stuff ,well done.
Glad to have worked you on the way.
73 Dave

Congratulations on your very impressive achievement. Nice to have worked you on occassion, last time you were in HB land. 73 de John G0MHF :champagne::champagne::clap::clap:

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Very impressive Colwyn, well done! That is a serious amount of travelling to achieve 7 goats all by uniques! I resorted to repetition to get my first. Travel is expensive when you’re a pensioner but too young for a bus pass :wink:

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That is probably one achievement that is going to last a long time!

73’ Martin

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Brilliant Colwyn! Lot of miles driven and walked for that lot.

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Thanks Richard,

keep at it, amazing how they start to add up,

Good luck.


Thanks Joe,

always good to see your activation reports.

Best wishes.


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Thanks Andy,

I am also a pensioner, but with a bus pass. All helps and it has taken a few years to get here.



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Congratulations Colwyn.
A great achievement with a lot of difficult summits bagged.
Thanks for the chaser points along the way.

73, Robin.

Congratulations Colwyn - Awesome achievement!

Thanks Gavin,

best wishes and always good to get you S2S. I guess I just enjoy climbing new hills.



Hi Robin,

good to hear from you and thanks for the congratulations. Always good to log you S2S and maybe we will meet on an obscure summit again.

All the best


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Thanks John,

great to hear from you. As Markus showed on the SOTA.LS HB land is my second most activated association. Can’t afford to do anything there except go for a walk!!!




WOW! Congrats Colwyn!
