Colin G4UXH SK

It is with great regret that I have to tell you this that Colin G4UXH passed away tonight at 2120hrs
he was a great friend of mine.


Sorry that hear that Colin G4UXH is now silent key. I have worked him quite a few times when activating SOTA summits and have met him at Norbreck Rally a few times as well.

Jimmy M0HGY

Terry, thank you for letting us know the sad news.

Condolences to Heather and family.


Very sad news indeed.

Deepest sympathy to Colins family.


This is very sad news, Colin will be missed by Activators & chasers alike.

My sincerest condolences to Heather & Colin’s family & friends.

Mark G0VOF

How desperately sad for you and his family. We spoke only on the air, but his unmistakeable friendly voice was always a pleasure to hear.

Thoughts with his family and friends.



Very sorry to hear the sad news of yours and Colin’s family’s loss.

For Gerald and I, Colin was one of those wonderful keen chasers whose absence from the log for an activation warranted comment and discussion, and I’m sure he will be remembered with fondness on every descent we make together for a long time to come.

With heartfelt sympathy

Paul G4MD

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Thanks Terry,
Condolences to Heather and the family and for your loss of a good friend.
Dreadful news.

Very sad to hear this news. Colin was often there chasing when I activated looking for DX, and also during my trip through the UK earlier this year.

Sincere condolences from VK.


I never met him but worked him many times. Sadly missed
My condolences to the family

Barry GM4TOE

A very sad time indeed.

To know I will never again be able to join Colin on another fell walk or to hear his familiar voice on the airwaves is very hard to bear.

This morning there will be sadness all over the world.

A good friend lost but will never ever be forgotten.

73, Derek


Terry, thank you for letting us know of the very sad news of Colin’s passing. We all hoped that he would get well and be able to get out onto the hills to continue with the activities that he so very much enjoyed. He will be missed immensely, but will never be forgotten. …

My condolences to Heather and the family and to you Terry and others who knew him better than I did, for your loss of a very good friend.

Gerald G4OIG

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Colin G4UXH SK

My sincere condolences to Heather and the family and to you Terry on the loss of your friend.

He was always there on my activations and I will miss our little chats and his snippets of information to help me on my way especially this one. “Follow the little arrow” words of advice that Colin gave me as I apprehensively made my way up Red Screes. I found that little arrow on the difficult bit and made it safely to the top.

R.I.P. Colin

Allan GW4VPX

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Many thanks Terry for letting us all know of the sad loss of Colin.
Condolences to heather and family, we’ve all lost a good friend.
Don G0RQL.

Thanks for letting us know Terry. Another excellent chaser going to be greatly missed from my activation logs.

Condolences to Heather and family.

Neil 2M0NCM

Terry, thanks for letting us know about Colin. This really is very sad news. Colin was a great character and thankfully I had the pleasure of meeting him in person on a couple of occasions and speaking to him many times on the air. My lasting memory will be from the Blackpool rally this year of him cutting the cake to celebrate activating all of the 330 Wainwright’s.

Sincere condolences to Heather and family.

Victor GI4ONL

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I read this about an hour ago and I wanted to reply straight away but due to the zoom issues I still have I was unable to do so.

This is very sad news indeed, I am sure Colin will be missed by the whole SOTA community.

My deepest sympathy to Heather, all of Colin’s family and friends and to Terry G0VWP for the loos of a good friend.

R.I.P Colin, i’ll miss your familiar friendly voice in the pile ups.

Mick M0MDA

Very sad to hear this. Of all my SOTA activations in the USA, in Germany and the Czech Republic, the “G-station” most often in my log was Colin. Seemed like he was there for every summit.

Somehow, although I have only worked him in SSB, I always got tangled with his UXH call.

I will miss hearing him from the summits.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.
El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.
W5-SOTA Association Manager.

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This is very sad news, Terry…
Without having had other contact with him than some SOTA QSOs and having copied him many times working other activators, I feel sad and sorry for his passing away.
My deep condolences to Colin’s widow, Heather, all his family and his closer friends. Particularly you, Terry.
Rest in peace, Colin. I’ll miss you.
73 de Guru - EA2IF

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Sad news, I was hoping he would recover soon… :frowning:
Last QSO with him not further than back in September…