Chasing today

As usual, it’s been in an out of the shack today whilst cooking the Xmas Dinner (about to be served by me),
walking the three dogs - one is ours - two belong to other family members who are away.

Oh yes, also untangling my top band antenna from my HF antennae which had tangled itself during yesterdays strong winds.

Thanks to @LA9XGA @S52CA @HB9CYV @HB9BAB @YU1CA @DL3TU for coming on HF CW/SSB and being workable today from my station. I also worked M7DQO/P from a Bunker AZ somewhere south of me…

Merry Xmas one and all, from North Yorkshire

de G4OBK


Merry Christmas Phil! Look forward to getting you in the log again soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Merry Xmas and HNY Phil (and everyone else of course) and thanks for chasing!

Not my sailboat, unfortunately.


Hopefully you will be chasing tomorrow as well when I attempt Black mount (GM/SS-158) around lunchtime.
Hope you had a nice Christmas.

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HI Andy

It’ll be interesting to see what is left of the trig point now Andy. Didn’t look so good, 9 years ago…

73 Phil G4OBK

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Ben Lawyers - or one of the peaks on the same group of hills has a rather eroded base on its trig point.

27th March 2023


Well I did make it up Black mount GM/SS-158 today. It was sunny on the way up but cloud came in when I got to the top. The trig point is still waisting away as Andy’s picture shows. I just got setup in time to catch Alan MM0VPM on GM/SS-094 and Mike MM7MWL on GM/SS-187 for s2s, then another run on 2m. I had a scheduled qso with Paul 2M0OON on 40m but it was difficult and noisy, so I must apologise to chasers who might have been waiting for that band. I had a listen on 15m and it was less noisy, a spot brought in another couple of s2s and a dozen qso’s in all. Furthest east was Stavros SV2RUJ ON SV/TL-069 and furthest on the day was Richard N4EX in North Carolina.
It was cold up there today and of course the cloud cleared as I packed up and headed back down the hill !


I worked N4EX as well on 10m from GW/NW-055.

I think I timed it just right with the propogation as I got 7 US stations in the log in under 15 minutes. Best DX was K6YK at 8263 km :sunglasses:


Thanks for the S2S Andy. It was glorious, but cold and breezy on GM/SS-187 Bishop Hill. Here’s to many more in '24. 73 Mike :grinning: