I’ve been activating parks and recently went to one that was also a SOTA summit and am having issues getting my logs into the website correctly.
I created an activation and then uploaded my adif log (44 QSOs) which was accepted, but they are all being interpreted as chaser QSOs. How do I associate the uploaded log with the activation I created? I see that I can manually enter QSOs within the activation, but then what’s the point of uploading my log?
The difference between a chaser log and an activator log is the fields that contain the activator’s summit and the chased operator’s summit. A log needs to be complete with both fields populated correctly before it will be accepted. Examining your AdIF file you will find that the activator’s summit is missing or blank, from what you describe.
Your ADIF file needs to includes the following fields where appropriate
<MY_SOTA_REF:x> SOTAid for each QSO and
<SOTA_REF:x> SOTAid for each QSO where there is also a SOTA chaser.
x is the number of characters in the SOTA id. e.g <MY_SOTA_REF:10>VK3/VT-001