ADIF Import for Activation?

Hi there,

Despite my best efforts, any ADIF I import to SOTA is interpreted by the database to be a chaser log and not an activator log. I am exporting logs that were produced with the SDR-Mobile iOS app and as far as I can tell the ADIF should be compatible.

Is there a sample proper activator ADIF out there? Some secret to getting activator ADIF imported?

Tom, N2YTF

Hello Tom.
a example with S2S IK2LEY & NORMAL qso EA2DT

<CALL:5>EA2DT <QSO_DATE:8>20231007 <TIME_ON:6>084405 <BAND:3>30m <MODE:2>CW <FREQ:9>10.117000 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <RST_SENT:3>599 <STATION_CALLSIGN:5>EA7GV <QSLMSG:10>EA7/GR-061 <MY_SOTA_REF:10>EA7/GR-061 <EOR>
<CALL:6>IK2LEY <QSO_DATE:8>20231007 <TIME_ON:6>084717 <BAND:3>30m <MODE:2>CW <FREQ:9>10.117000 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <RST_SENT:3>599 <STATION_CALLSIGN:5>EA7GV <COMMENT:8>I/LO-253 <QSLMSG:10>EA7/GR-061 <SOTA_REF:8>I/LO-253 <MY_SOTA_REF:10>EA7/GR-061 <EOR>

TNX for FT4 qso yesterday.
73 José


Take a look at this:

This will help you understand what fields you need in your ADIF file.

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As mentioned already.
Open your adif with a text editor and see if <MY_SOTA_REF
is available.
This will make the QSO being identified as an activator QSO.

If also <SOTA_REF
is available in the same QSO it will be listed as a summit 2 summit.

73 Joe


MY_SOTA_REF was in there but it was :9 and not :10 I have to see if that makes a difference.

That is the lenght of characters the actual information after this keyword has. Depending on the reference this number will change.
Maybe post one QSO line from your log file. Use the “preformated” button here in the editor so that we get a good display of the information.

<CALL:5>EA7GV<QSO_DATE:8>20231018<TIME_ON:6>181722<TIME_OFF:6>181838<BAND:3>15M<FREQ:9>21.142600<FREQ_RX:9>21.142601<MODE:4>MFSK<SUBMODE:3>FT4<RST_SENT:3>-15<RST_RCVD:3>+02<OPERATOR:7>N2YTF/p<STATION_CALLSIGN:5>N2YTF<NAME:16>JOSE L. MENJIBAR<CONT:2>EU<COUNTRY:5>Spain<DXCC:3>281<CQZ:2>14<ITUZ:2>37<GRIDSQUARE:4>IM87<LAT:17>37.52300347222222<LON:19>-2.9539473684210527<SOTA_REF:9>W2/gc-077<MY_GRIDSQUARE:6>Fn21xh<MY_SOTA_REF:9>w2/gc-077<TX_PWR:2>10<MY_NAME:13>Thomas Tumino<MY_STATE:2>Ny<MY_DXCC:3>291<MY_COUNTRY:3>USA<EOR>

So that is the first entry—This is after I tweaked it. This is interpreted as a chaser entry…

Is ok


But it has SOTA_REF and MY_SOTA_REF both showing the same summit ref. So activating and chasing w2/gc-077. Which is not valid. You cannot chase the same summit you are activating.

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It is ever so easy to get the ADIF format.

  1. Download one of your activations as a CSV.
  2. Paste it into Christophe’s web page which has a CSV to ADIF converter
  3. Click submit
  4. Copy the ADIF produced and use as a template.

So when I pasted this into the form at ON6ZQ | SOTA to ADIF log converter


the result was

ADIF file
created by SOTA2ADIF ( on 2023/10/19 17:57:04 UTC


You can use that to ensure you have all the right ADIF fields.


Thank you all for your help! This was a learning experience, and I have the answer now. The SDR-Mobile iOS app, when it exports a log that is for a station that is not on a summit, does not include the header “<SOTA_REF:0>”, the app just dosen’t put anything in the log for the other station’s summit. Even though the app put in the correct MY_SOTA_REF, the SOTA database import ADIF function will not read MY-SOTA_REF unless it can also see an entry for SOTA_REF----even if that is a blank entry.

So I corrected my log, and now I will email the iOS app creator DL8MRE and ask for a fix as this is really a great app for so many reasons and the log function ought to work correctly too.

Tom, N2YTF

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This is completely wrong. I have a number of test ADIFs that run through without SOTA_REF entries, eg:


This is loaded fine as an activation entry.

ZL4NVW highlighted the actual problem, you have the following:


which is not valid ADIF. If you simply remove the SOTA_REF tag:

<CALL:5>EA7GV<QSO_DATE:8>20231018<TIME_ON:6>181722<TIME_OFF:6>181838<BAND:3>15M<FREQ:9>21.142600<FREQ_RX:9>21.142601<MODE:4>MFSK<SUBMODE:3>FT4<RST_SENT:3>-15<RST_RCVD:3>+02<OPERATOR:7>N2YTF/p<STATION_CALLSIGN:5>N2YTF<NAME:16>JOSE L. MENJIBAR<CONT:2>EU<COUNTRY:5>Spain<DXCC:3>281<CQZ:2>14<ITUZ:2>37<GRIDSQUARE:4>IM87<LAT:17>37.52300347222222<LON:19>-2.9539473684210527<MY_GRIDSQUARE:6>Fn21xh<MY_SOTA_REF:9>w2/gc-077<TX_PWR:2>10<MY_NAME:13>Thomas Tumino<MY_STATE:2>Ny<MY_DXCC:3>291<MY_COUNTRY:3>USA<EOR>

This is loaded as an activation. You do not need to have SOTA_REF for activations (unless it’s an S2S, in which case, it needs to be different ot the MY_SOTA_REF field (obviously))


Well now I am stumped. To test out what you are saying just now I deleted the <SOTA_REF:9> and the file went up just fine—but it was not working that way when I stared because I already tried that earlier. Now though it goes up just fine without the SOTA_REF and I have no idea why.

2 Likes has all the info that is needed to understand ADIF, how the various fields are constructed and the intention and limitations of the ADIF format.

If ADIF is being implemented without considering the ADIF requirements then the compatibility of files when shared between different programs is broken and unexpected outcomes occur.

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