Brian G4ZRP

Many of you will know Brian G4ZRP from The Wirral, NW England as quite a keen SOTA chaser and sometime SOTA activator. His QTH is well sited for work G/NP, G/SP and G/LD summits on 2m. He has been active on 23cms FM and 40/60m SSB as well.

Some of you may know that he’s not been too well since COVID lockdowns started as Brian had developed Prostate Cancer. This has now developed into Metastatic (Stage4) Prostate Cancer with some secondary tumours about his body. His Oncology treatment managed to slow the progression for quite some time but, very sadly, he has now entered the final stages. He’s getting palliative care only now at home.

I’ve known Brian since 1990 when I 1st got licenced and we’ve hung out since 1993 doing assorted ham radio things (contesting on VHF as GW4MGR/P) when I lived on The Wirral. Brian had discovered SOTA from its start and concerned I wasn’t taking proper care of my Diabetes got me taking part. You can blame him for my participation now. I last met him in person the day after Queen Elizabeth II died. He looked fine, a little thinner but we were able to walk up Thurstaston Hill (a HEMA I think) and have a coffee and cake. It’s taken only 8 months to bring him to the end stage. I did see about visiting today on my way back from Llyn Peninsula but he was too unwell.

Anyway, it’s Brian’s 80th birthday this Monday, May 29th. If those of you who know him from his SOTA activities want to send him a birthday message, add it to this thread and I’ll make sure his son can read it and tell Brian.


Sorry to hear this. Brian is a great chap and for many years a stalwart of manning the SOTA stand at Norbreck. He is definitely missed from my logbook when I activate on 2m FM.

Anyway, a very happy 80th birthday Brian. Congratulations on the landmark.

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From one Brian to another, happy birthday mate!

Happy 80th birthday Brian!
Roger MW0IDX

Welcome to the OBE club. Enjoy the day.


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Brian thanks for all the contacts and hope you are able to enjoy time with your family on your birthday.

Best wishes,

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Happy birthday Brian and thanks for the chases.

Happy birthday Brian…hope you have a good day on Monday. Good memories of you chasing Barry M0IML and myself when we were up in G/LD on those week long Sota activations, especially when Barry used to wander around a summit trying to get a 23cms contact with you😁

73 Allan GW4VPX

Happy Birthday Brian.

Brian has chased me on 50 unique summits on 23cm which is half my summits activated on 23cm. Impressive dedication to 23cm !

73 de Andrew G4VFL

Hi Brian, hope you have a good day on the 80th,always a pleasure to hear you on SOTA. 73 Don G0RQL.

Best wishes on your 80th Brian! G4ZRP is still high up in “my top chasers” list, many thanks for all the contacts over the years.


Happy Birthday Brian

When I was going to the Lake District on a regular basis 2009-2012 for WOTA and SOTA activations you were such a reliable and regular contact - we had hundreds of QSOs over the years. I remember our QSO last year which was a nice surprise, when I was on FL/NO-082. I hope you can maintain your interest in the radio and continue to have the motivation to make some more contacts.

73 Phil G4OBK

Happy Birthday Brian! You are still my Top Chaser.

73, John M0VCM

Hi Brian
Many happy returns and I hope that you can share a good birthday celebration with your family.
Nick G4OOE

Happy birthday - and thanks for the chases…

For your Birthday Brian, a special thanks to you for all the contacts we have had over the years and I will always remember the cuppa you shared with me whilst waiting for the Blackpool rally to open it’s doors.

All the best Brian, and thanks for the chases! HBOM 2E0JWA 73

Cheers - Alan

Happy Birthday Brian!
And many thanks for the SOTA QSOs into LD, NW and SP.

73, Robert

Happy Birthday Brian, thanks for all the contacts and for the trips to Newark with G3UFO (SK)

73 neil

Happy birthday Brian.

You were a very dependable source of 2m RF when I plodded up those 330 Wainwright’s between 2012 and 2015.

Then later on we worked again on my first LD Sotas. Your response to my CQ: GEEE FOWER ZZED ARRR PEEE was so recognisable, as was the moustache when I had the honour to meet you at Blackpool.

Currently in Chester