Black Coombe G/LD-030

Ålthough I’ve been up Black Coombe a couple of times previously this was the first time with the intention of doing SOTA. Unlike previous ascents it was warm and sunny today. It looked like it was going to be a very pleasant activation, however the local insect population were so pleased to see me. Made some good contacts but I had to end the 30m CW activation early as I just couldn’t stand the insect onslaught any more.

Today I took my SOTABeams 10m Compact Travel Mast, SOTABeams Band Hopper IV (with additional 60m section), IC-705 10w with external LifePo4 and FT1XD handheld.

2m was working well with several S2S in the log including Ian @GI0AZB and Esther @GI0AZA at a respectable 192km on G/WB-007 - I was using my FT1XD with a Spectrum Communications Slim-J - they were using a handheld. Good takeoff on 2m today with contacts into England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. Longest HF S2S was with Herbert @OE9HRV activating SV/IO-001.

I enjoy activating on 80m but it’s not worked very well at all in recent activations. Karl @2E0FEH was hard to pull out of the noise. In contrast 60m was clear with low noise and an appreciable number of contacts.

The descent was a lot hotter than the early morning ascent, with a large group of walkers half way up and a smattering of other walkers. My wife phoned me to say not to bother attempting to drive through Bowness-on-Windermere based on the traffic. Fell Foot Country Park at the South end of Lake Windermere was absolutely heaving. The choice of Black Coombe was vindicated today rather than attempting to negotiate the tourists to the North of Windermere. August Bank Holiday in the Lake District!

Thanks as always to chasers and for the S2S.

08:44 EA2AG/P 20m SSB 59 57 Iosu SOTA EA2/BI-073
08:46 EA3IKB/P 20m SSB 53 55 Joan SOTA EA3/BC-032
08:51 EA5K 20m SSB 59 55 Miguel
08:51 HB9MKV 20m SSB 59 52 RUDOLF
08:52 EA7GV 20m SSB 59 52 JOSE
08:52 EA4BQG 20m SSB 58 58 GUILLERMO
08:53 OE6RCD 20m SSB 59 57 ROLAND
08:55 SP9JKL 20m SSB 59 55 Jerzy
08:55 9A1AA 20m SSB 59 59 IVO
08:56 EA3IKB/P 20m SSB 55 55 Joan SOTA EA3/BC-032
08:57 F4JKY/P 20m SSB 55 57 Ghislain
08:58 HA7WA 20m SSB 59 59 Viktor
08:58 IK2ECC 20m SSB 59 59 CARLO
08:59 OM5DP 20m SSB 59 57 MARTIN
09:03 OM1AX 20m SSB 59 59 VLADO
09:03 EA2DT 20m SSB 59 52 Manuel
09:04 EA2EVM 20m SSB 59 57 Cesareo
09:04 S57ILF 20m SSB 55 55 FRANCI
09:05 OH3GZ 20m SSB 59 59 JUKKA
09:05 EA2DDG 20m SSB 59 55 Jose
09:06 CT2IWW/P 20m SSB 55 55 Paulo SOTA CT/MN-020
09:06 9A6CW/P 20m SSB 56 57 Ivica SOTA 9A/DH-027
09:14 G0KUY/P 2m FM 58 57 Steve
09:19 G6LKB 2m FM 59 59 David
09:19 M0MOL 2m FM 59 59 Gareth
09:21 MW0TTK 2m FM 59 59 Mark
09:22 G1OHH 2m FM 59 59 Susan
09:22 MW0IDX 2m FM 59 59 Roger
09:23 2E0OTG 2m FM 59 59 Steve
09:25 G6AEK 2m FM 59 59 Dave
09:25 M0VAZ 2m FM 59 59 John
09:26 GM3STM 2m FM 58 59 Scott
09:27 M6PMA 2m FM 59 53 Paul
09:28 GI0WLW 2m FM 55 53 Hugh
09:29 M7JHY 2m FM 59 57 John
09:30 2W0FNA 2m FM 59 58 Karl
09:31 2E0HIL/P 2m FM 58 52 David SOTA G/SP-004
09:33 2E0XUP 2m FM 55 54 Steve
09:35 G8CPZ 2m FM 59 59 AJ
09:36 M1DYU 2m FM 58 53 Garry
09:37 G4VFL 2m FM 59 59 Andrew
09:39 G0SLR 2m FM 54 57 ROY
09:40 M0LOR 2m FM 59 59 Graham
09:53 LA9DSA/P 20m SSB 51 45 Knut SOTA LA/HM-047
09:55 HB9/DH8WN/P 20m SSB 57 55 Ludwig SOTA HB/GR-103
09:56 SV8/OE9HRV/P 20m SSB 59 33 Herbert SOTA SV/IO-001
10:08 2E0FEH 80m SSB 44 44 Karl
10:09 G8CPZ 80m SSB 59 42 AJ
10:09 GW4BML 80m SSB 59 57 Ben
10:15 G0RQL 60m SSB 59 59 DON
10:16 EI3GYB 60m SSB 59 57 Michael
10:16 G8ADD 60m SSB 59 57 Brian
10:17 G3RDQ 60m SSB 59 56 DAVID
10:17 G8CPZ 60m SSB 59 58 AJ
10:18 G0AZB/P 2m FM 59 59 Ian SOTA G/WB-007
10:20 G0AZA/P 2m FM 55 55 Esther SOTA G/WB-007
10:31 ON7GO 30m CW 599 599 Philippe
10:32 HB9AFI/P 30m CW 559 559 KURT SOTA HB/BE-121
10:33 EA4BOC 30m CW 559 559 Jaime
10:35 DL2DXA 30m CW 599 579 Bernd
10:36 HB9CUE 30m CW 569 599 HANSJüRG
10:38 DL1FU 30m CW 599 579 Friedrich
10:39 DJ5AV 30m CW 599 569 Michael
10:41 9A2UI 30m CW 559 559 Ivica-Iv
10:44 DL2ASG 30m CW 599 599 Martin
10:46 PA9CW 30m CW 599 599 -

Wide-angle shot towards Barrow-in-Furness

Isle of Man

Local Inhabitants

Sellafield Nuclear Power Station

Coastal Farm

Barrow and Walney Island

Walney Island

Centre of Barrow

Offshore Wind Farm)

On the ascent

Substantial Summit Cairnstone Horseshoe

Summit Benchmark

Looking West

Panorama West → North East


Good to get you in the log Mark
Some cracking views from there


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Hi Mark, thank for your report and great photos. :+1:

cheers :beers:

Geoff vk3sq

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Its a summit I’ve seen countless times - and had no reason to climb it. Now I’m interested in SOTA its a different kettle of fish. Great report along with some splendid pictures.

Nice to see you are still continuing with the morse!!



Thanks Mark, it was a pleasant surprise to get the S2S on 2M from G/WB-007, we were over to try and get the last of the WB summits activated and the WX made it even more pleasant to be able to enjoy the QSOs. I was very surprised how strong you were, its quite a nice contact from WB-007 to LD-030. Cheers.