Best wishes for 2024

Today I was on Halcott Mountain (W2/GC-061) in the Catskills, about 210 km north from NYC. Thanks to all the SOTA activators who provided me with s2s contacts during 2023. Thanks also to the SOTA chasers in NA and EU who kept the HF bands hopping with CW activity during this past year. I am grateful to be able to participate in this special aspect of the ham radio experience.

Best wishes to all for 2024. Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV


TNX es HNY, Mike! I appreciate each of our QSOs.

Vy 73 de Jonathan “JB”

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Thanks to you Mike, excellent traffic to each of your activities!
Happy new year and good health for 2024.
73 Chris F4WBN

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Happy New Year Mike! Always nice to work you whether I’m on summit or chasing. Looking forward to many more in '24!

73, Ken

HNY Mike, it’s always a pleasure to have qsos with you.
I really like the way that you are doing sota, instead of focusing on points, you spend good days outdoor at making a lot of interesting contacts all around the world.
CU soon.
Eric VA2EO


HNY Mike!
dit dit

Happy New Year. thanks for the 32 actvations and 5 chases. Maybe we can increase the count in 2024 :wink:

Best wishes your way as well MIke!

73 de VE6JTW ditdit

Glad i was able to QSO, HNY to you again !!!

Thanks Mike!!

I hope many s2s and chases with you in this 2024!!!

All the best to you and your family!!!

73 & GL!!


Happy new year Mike. Thanks for the chases in 2023 and perhaps we’ll manage S2S in 2024.

73 Richard