Anyone made a S2S DX on SSB?

I watched a video posted here from years back of a QSO between a Swiss summit and New Zealand. It was on SSB and the HB9 antenna was an Elecraft loaded whip antenna, if memory serves.
OE9HRV has a writeup in this thread, VK JA ZL - EU UK S2S 20 Oct 2018 (part 2), quite impressive!

When 10 meters is fully open, hopefully again this year, it will be very possible to make QSOs to Japan and Europe, even on SSB.
12 and 15 meters are also good choices, 12 in particular for lower operator density .
The wire beam will help quite a bit. Orienting your antenna close to a good drop off in the right direction will make a difference, too. Power helps if you are not set on making QSOs at QRP levels.
Good luck and 73,
David N6AN

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