Andre Saunders GM3VLB SOTA Award results 2022

This was a nice surprise for a dark January evening. My trip that covered the eight summits is here:

Operating from islands by a boat trip, with a backpack and radio taps into my inner childhood adventurer that (thankfully) never grew up. For mortals with full-time jobs, there is a lifetime of fun to be had on these islands with SOTA without ever needing to revisit a summit. Undoubtedly, you could gain more points, more easily, elsewhere. But for me, the spirit of adventure and fulfillment can’t be beaten on these islands.

The Kilda summits represent the pinnacle of island adventure. I am fairly confident I have the skills to climb them (having on-sighted E3 rock climbs and also got my fulmar initiation badge (if you know, you know)), however, dropping everything for a weather window in September/October with the associated costs makes it problematic. But, it wouldn’t be as rewarding if it was easy…