Alive and kicking (part 2)

Thanks Geoff, I’m doing fine and I’m going to respond to you and the whole community on this new thread because after so many messages of encouragement and positive energy in the original thread, it reached 100 posts and got closed by the system.
My July 17th post in the original thread, described the different operations and treatments I had along this process and I also informed you of the good results after the scanner (TAC). I also mentionned this:

I can now tell you this operation took finally place last August 18th and everything went well, very well. August 18th was a Tuesday and I left the hospital and got back home (my new home due to my imminent divorce) by August 23rd, on Sunday morning of that same week. I’m feeling very well since then and I’m just giving my refurbished digestive system the necessary time to recover and resume its normal functions, while I’m learning to live without parts of my large intestine and a couple of reconnections along the pipe :wink:
At the moment, some moments are 100% normal while in some other moments I’m needing to have a toilet close.
I hope things will settle in a not too long time for me to be able to go out hiking and activating SOTA soon.
In the mean time, I’m already actively chasing from my new appartment in Pamplona thanks to my remote station, the best investment I’ve done in years.



Congrats for this recovery, it’s nice to see you back Guru.
Stronger, Faster, Better than you were before!
Bionic Guru.


It is really great to hear how well you are doing Guru. Hopefully it will not be too long before your body resumes its normal function 100% and you can get back to walking the hills once more.

All the best. Take care es 73,



Glad to know you are at home safe and well. See you soon for a S2S!
Take care and 73, Fabio

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Glad to hear that your internal wiring has been returned to its normal/definitive state! With all the connections well soldered (nowadays of course lead-free) and the case screwed firmly shut, it will only be a matter of some fine-tuning before Guru the activation machine is ready to return to the summits :joy:

73, Manuel


Excellent news :+1: :+1: :+1:
We now await discussion on what foods you can’t tolerate.
My XYL can no longer eat chocolate - so I have to help out :rofl:


Great news again Guru hope all settles down for you shortly and we look forward to the pleasure of working you on the summits again.Take care and stay safe.
73 Don G0RQL.


Now hope to meet you on S2S, Guru.
Great news!

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Glad to hear you are doing well Guru. Things do get better. I had colorectal cancer in 2018 also. Lost half my rectum and 9.5 inches of tissue total. I’m 2 years out from that surgery now and things are still getting better. There are good days and not so good days, so keep a positive attitude and simply adjust to the new life. Everyone’s “new normal” is different, but still, “life is good”. You will do well, I’m sure.


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Hi Guru,
You are sounding good which is pleasing. It took me three months from my similar operation to first SOTA activation.
I have for several years had a little app in my phone that shows the nearest toilets with some details like opening hours. I’m sure there is something like that for Spain put out by the International Incontinence Association.

Hope we can do a S2S soon.


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