Age Category

Hello all,

Just for the fun:

Any chance to see one day a classification of
"Moutain Goat" according to age category?


In reply to F6HBI:
I don’t think that’s worth adding d.o.b. info into the database for. However people could post their age at MG in this thread:

M1EYP - 37


In reply to M1EYP:
Tof F5UBH 40 hiii
Oui Gerald j’ai encore de quoi te ratrapper hiii !!!
Sejour en DL dans 12 jours si le WX et sympa avec moi !!! du 30 au 2 mai !!!
De quoi me rapprocher un peu !!!
A plus

In reply to M1EYP:

Why not Shack Sloth as well?

Just because SSs sit in the shack resting their bunions and wriggling on their haemorrhoids doesn’t make them unworthy of interest!

I’d have to search for the date when I got SS, but I was 70 when I got the super-sloth sheepskin and the 1000 uniques chased sheepskin, FWIW!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to M1EYP:
F6HBI - 60 (when reached Mountain Goat)


In reply to F5UBH:

salut Tof

71 ans bientôt et je t’ ai rattrappé hier (hi)…


In reply to G8ADD:

From the expertly crafted My Awards page on the DB the answer for you Brian is:

“You are a Shack Sloth with 15013 points.
Shack Sloth achieved on 22-Jan-2006
10x Shack Sloth achieved on 15-Nov-2010”

Andy (who was 50 when he got his MG)

In reply to MM0FMF:

Thanks Andy! I was going to look in the log when I had time and see what the date was when I actually reached that score. So I was 65. Points came more slowly back then! Does the DB give the date of the qualifying contact or the date when it went into the DB, often much later in my case? (That reminds me I have about another 200 points to enter…)


In reply to G8ADD:

Date the condition became true. i.e. earliest date chaser points >= 1000


In reply to MM0FMF:
Was 73 when achieved 10x Shack Sloth.Getting harder for old ears.Hi…73 de phil/ve1wt

In reply to F8FEO:
Super Alain,
J’avais pas vu !!! Bon vivement les beaux jours ! Pas de Savines avant le mois d’août car CDF de tir mi-juillet… A moins que les enfants fassent tout pour ne pas y aller !!! hiii !
Si WX correct F/VO et DL entre le 30 avril et 2 mai… Histoire de ne pas te laisser prendre trop d’avance hiii !!!
A plus
Je t’ai entendu avec Roger FB !
Tof F5UBH (MG before 45’s ???)

In reply to F5UBH:

Je te souhaite d’ etre MG avant 45
tu es dans la fleur de l’ age !!!
comme Chasseur je me rapproche de toi aussi -:slight_smile:

…- .-

In reply to F8FEO:
Given the age of hams in general and from what I see, SOTA folks especially, you would have to award EXTRA points for under age 50. And double points under 30. Over age 70 gets you nuttin.

In reply to F6HBI:

Like you Gerald, I was just 60 when I reached Mountain Goat, after 7.5 years activating. I started in 2005. Has anyone took longer to reach MG?

I hope my fitness and continued interest will allow me to continue for at least another 10 years activating from time to time.

Chasing up to the 50K points level took me about the same time, as I began chasing in 2005. This was achieved when I was also 60.

73 Phil

In reply to F6HBI:
Only 68 years old and so many summits to reach :slight_smile:
See you!
Andre - f5ukl

In reply to W0CCA:

nothing over 70…
you are not vy encouraging for us !

I will propose " for France" a MG for 250 points over age 70,
then I will be very quiet now…

there are not old-bold mountaineers

In reply to F8FEO:

there are not old-bold mountaineers

Thinking about it, I realise that I have lost more friends over the years to caving accidents than I have to accidents in the mountains!

I know from sad experience that when you pass 70 you slowly heave yourself up mountains that in your youth seemed easy, but your mountain craft has a lifetime of experience behind it. Boldness ignores risks, craftiness evaluates them and avoids them!

No, I think that MG should stay at 1000 for all ages - then if you are both a MG and an OF, you have something to boast about! You can say to the younger MGs that your MG is better than theirs because of your age!

Anyway, I don’t think the MT will entertain the idea - and I’m in the MT!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:
Worthy points Brian…maybe the MT should consider offering an MG award at 250 points for those who start at 65+ or some senior year. I won’t take my bat home if you say no!

An ageing friend of mine in the Ramblers (John) is 78 and he will regularly do a walk on 10 miles in the day. I reckon he would easily get to most of the two pointers in England without a problem. John said he found that distance over 10 miles and ascent over 1000 ft (300m) in the day became harder when he reached 74, having said that, we are all different. I think at 70+ I will concentrate on chasing rather than activating!

73 Phil

In reply to G4OBK:

I have a friend in the climbing club, Norman, who is 83, and he regularly goes out on Meets. He still will do the occasional rock climb but no longer leads. He goes on skiing trips abroad and goes for holidays in overseas mountain ranges, the Alps, Atlas etc. He is nowhere near as fast as he used to be when I first met him, but he can walk all the hours of daylight. I don’t know if it is some special quality in him or just the fact that he never stopped! I think all the youngsters in the club, who think that if a rock climb hasn’t an E grade it is just a scramble, look up to him as some sort of favourite grandad!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to W0CCA:

Over age 70but admittgets you nuttin.

Hi hi! I was thinking the same thing. More time when you are retired (but admittedly your knees get a bit more troublesome!)


Currently 49.95…